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Millie Williams was supervising the arrangements of the trays and vats of plants that must be protected as thoroughly as the humans. At the other end of the morgue, the medics were setting up their emergency treatment area, while nearby the culinary crew pulled out and put in operating condition the emergency feeding equipment.

This carefully prepared memorial was met by a refusal, the reasons given for which do not seem very cogent; the real reason, in all probability, not having been directly given at all; the impossibility of supervising townland improvements, with such care as to avoid the malversation and misapplication of funds, having, it is reasonable to suppose, great influence on the decision of the Government.

Where's my place in the paper? always lose my place in the paper. Clever editorials this fellow Eastman writes, unbiassed by party prejudice unbiassed unbiassed." His voice died to a whisper. The breakfast proceeded, Travis supervising everything that went forward, even giving directions to Victorine as to the hour for serving dinner.

He had observed, that the young woman supervising was deficient in the ease of an established superior; her brows were troubled; she was, therefore, a lieutenant elevated from a lower grade; and, to his thinking, conducted the business during the temporary retirement of the mistress of the shop. And the mistress of the shop? The question hardly needs be put.

Grosse tante, or more properly, Marie Louise, was a Creole Thérèse’s nurse and attendant from infancy, and the only one of the family servants who had come with her mistress from New Orleans to Place-du-Bois at that lady’s marriage with Jérôme Lafirme. But her ever increasing weight had long since removed her from the possibility of usefulness, otherwise than in supervising her small farm yard.

"Why don't you get it?" asked Helen. "Can't afford to," was Joe's reply. "I have other uses for my money." Helen looked at him curiously, and there was a worried look on her face that Joe did not notice. "I wonder," mused Helen. "I wonder " But she did not finish her thought. Joe Strong was supervising the cleaning of the glass sides of his tank.

In addition, these staffs had the normal routine function of supervising inspection and instruction in gas warfare at the front. In other words, the arrangement was generalised throughout the army. This officer was assisted by non-commissioned officers and men specially chosen for the purpose in the smaller units. The great need for these staffs is brought out in German official documents.

Visits to Rye, either to her lawyers or to the decorators and paper-hangers, the engaging of extra hands, both temporary and permanent, for the extra work, the supervising of labourers and workmen whom she never could trust to do their job without her ... all these crowded her cares into a few hours of evening or an occasionally wakeful night. But every now and then she must suffer.

Other trained nurses become matrons and housekeepers in private hospitals, sanitaria, and colleges. Some are district nurses. Public health nurses assist in supervising the health of a city and give instruction in cleanliness, sanitary science, and the care and feeding of infants. Private schools, colleges, factories, and departmental stores employ the services of trained nurses.

He definitely renounced conquest and military ambitions and appears to have paid no attention to ordinary civil administration which he perhaps entrusted to Commissioners; he devoted himself to philanthropic and moral projects "for the welfare of man and beast," such as lecturing his subjects on their duties towards all living creatures, governing the Church, building hospitals and stûpas, supervising charities and despatching missions.