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At first the coper seemed to have the best of it, but afterwards the breeze freshened and the Sunbeam soon left it far astern. Seeing that the race was lost, the floating grog-shop changed her course. "Ah, she'll steer for other fleets where there's no opposition," remarked the skipper. "To win our first race is a good omen," said John Binning, with much satisfaction.

And this evening, for the last time, Rudy and Babette sat in the miller's house as an engaged couple. Outside, the Alps glowed in the evening sunset, the evening bells chimed, and the children of the sunbeam sang, "Whatever happens is best." The sun had gone down, and the clouds lay low on the valley of the Rhone.

It is glorious to bloom, to be fragrant, and to live; to live in story and in song. The sunbeam will outlive us all." "What is the first prize?" asked the earthworm, who had overslept the time, and only now came up. "It contains a free admission to a cabbage-garden," replied the mule. "I proposed that as one of the prizes.

So, though that was not the way in which I should have wished the coming of my bright and pretty pet to have been looked at who was like a sunbeam in any family, be it never so grand I was well pleased that all the folks in the Dale should stare and admire, when they heard I was going to be young lady's maid at my Lord Furnivall's at Furnivall Manor.

And, lo! before many days I am startled by hearing Lucia singwoebegone Lucia. She sings to no tune whatever and smiles at me, “Sunbeam, Sunbeam, Sunbeam, Sunbeam.” So she has learned one English word in sixteen years. That is better in quality than German Tessie did. She told me, at the candy factory, that the first thing she learned in English wasson of a gun.”

For my own part, I should scarcely look at this old door if it were in the Cluny or any other museum; but here, in ancient Figeac, I see it where it was many lustres ago, and the pleasure of finding it in the midst of the sordidness and squalor that follow upon the decay of grandeur and the evaporation of human hopes makes me feel much that I should not feel otherwise, and calls up ideas as a February sunbeam calls gnats out of the dead earth and sets them spinning.

I wants to wass my hands in de soup, an' he won't let me." "Quite right. Keep him in order, Stumps," said the unfeeling Sam, senior. "Dere pa says I's kite right, an' to keep you in order, 'Tumps," said the silvery voice. "Ay, ay, Sunbeam, quite finished." "Den come on deck an' p'ay vid me." Uncle Rik rose with a laugh, and obediently went on deck to play.

The blackest camphine smoke in a dark room, through which a sunbeam passes from an aperture in the window-shutter, renders the track of the beam white, by the light scattered from the surfaces of the soot particles. The moon appears to us as if 'Clothed in white samite, mystic, wonderful;

The little dog, the little sunbeam of my life, is lost. I am convinced, Helen! yes, I am convinced, that there is foul play in the matter. You, every one of you, took a most unwarrantable dislike to the poor, faithful little animal. Yes, every one of you, with the exception of David, detested my Scorpion, and I am quite certain that you all know where he now is."

To-day I start casually singing, “Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam.” Everyone on our floor knows the song and there the whole lot of us sit, swinging our heels, singing at the top of our lungs, “A sunbeam, a sunbeam, Jesus wants me for a sunbeam,” which is how I got the name ofSunbeamon our floor. Except that Miss Cross, for some reason of her own, usually called meConstance.”