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"he ken'd an open door might hae served me at a pinch." We were by this time in the street. "I tell you, Robin," said the magistrate, "in my puir mind, if ye live the life ye do, ye suld hae ane o' your gillies door-keeper in every jail in Scotland, in case o' the warst."

"There was little clash about it, man," replied Macraw; "he liked this young leddy, ana suld hae married her, but his mother fand it out, and then the deil gaed o'er Jock Webster. At last, the peer lass clodded hersell o'er the scaur at the Craigburnfoot into the sea, and there was an end o't." "An end ot wi' the puir leddy," said the mendicant, "but, as I reckon, nae end o't wi' the yerl."

'I'll do that, sir. And I'll try to do my best wi' her. 'She can help ye, ye ken, wi' yer washin', an' sic like. 'She's a hard-workin' wuman, sir. She wad do that weel. 'And whan ye're in ony want o' siller, jist write to me. An' gin onything suld happen to me, ye ken, write to Mr. Gordon, a frien' o' mine. There's his address in Lonnon. 'Eh, sir, but ye are kin'. God bless ye for a'.

"Why, then, woman, did ye not apply to me, if there was only real need? but there was none, ye fause-hearted vassal that ye are!" "Your leddyship never ca'd me sic a word as that before. Ohon! that I suld live to be ca'd sae," she continued, bursting into tears, "and me a born servant o' the house o' Tillietudlem!

The watch and chain are gone, and the solitaire diamond ring is gone, and " here the man broke out into a volley of curses forcible enough to right a ship in a storm, and said: "The jewel snuff-box, worth ten times all the other jewels put together, is gone! How is this, Rose?" "I dinna ken. How suld I ken?

"Hout tout," said the turnkey, endeavouring to extricate himself from the firm grasp with which she held him, "that's taking me at my word wi' a witness Bairn, quo' she? How the deil suld I ken onything of your bairn, huzzy? Ye maun ask that of auld Meg Murdockson, if ye dinna ken ower muckle about it yoursell."

Jock, ye'll take warning it's a debt we maun a' pay, and there stands Nichil Novit that will tell ye I was never gude at paying debts in my life. Mr. Novit, ye'll no forget to draw the annual rent that's due on the yerl's band if I pay debt to other folk, I think they suld pay it to me that equals aquals.

I dinna see that she suld be sae feared for her ain bonny bargain o' a gudeman, and that I shouldna reverence Mr. Butler just as much; and sae I'll e'en tell him, when that tippling body the Captain has ta'en boat in the morning.

Aw the world kens I can answer aw claims on me, and you proffered yourself fair time, till his maist gracious Majesty and the noble Duke suld make settled accompts wi' me; and ye may ken, by your ain experience, that I canna gang rowting like an unmannered Highland stot to their doors, as ye come to mine."

Your father was a kind man to freends and followers; muckle grace to you, Sir John, to fill his shoon his boots, I suld say, for he seldom wore shoon, unless it were muils when he had the gout."