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They are poor creatures, these monks; they wanted to make out that it might be two or three months before I was fit for service again. I told them it would be a shame to my manhood if in a fortnight I could not wield an axe again. It is not as if I had been brought up softly. I have burnt myself with hot irons many a time, and know that a few days suffices to heal a sore."

"These in their turn have settled great issues lightly," thought Weng bitterly. "Must I wait upon an omen?" ". . . submitting oneself to purifying scars," droned the voice far off; "propitiating if need be by even greater self-inflictions . . ." "It suffices," said Weng dispassionately, and picking up the knife he turned to leave the room. At the door he paused again, but not in an arising doubt.

But do not be appalled at the cost of the coal, for, thanks to ingenious processes, the heat lost from the furnaces nearly suffices to run the boilers. This is what is called progress in industry. We have just seen that iron is obtained in small masses. These can be welded upon heating them to 1,500 or 2,000 degrees.

It suffices that the bees should be enabled to stand at their proper relative distances from each other and from the walls of the last completed cells, and then, by striking imaginary spheres, they can build up a wall intermediate between two adjoining spheres; but, as far as I have seen, they never gnaw away and finish off the angles of a cell till a large part both of that cell and of the adjoining cells has been built.

Our clothes are shabby and worn, but they are warm; our room is up five nights of stairs, but it shelters us; we earn from sixteen to eighteen hundred francs per annum between us the sum is not enormous, but it suffices; we have no debts! Ah! my dear father, may heaven never send us worse days, and I shall never complain."

She read in his eyes that wild hope of a man who, passionately desiring an object, ends by persuading himself that his own will suffices to overcome all obstacles. Having often been present when Prosper was preparing to leave his office, Raoul had fifty times seen him move the buttons, and lock the safe, just before leaving the bank.

This fluid likewise removes small, brown, glistening points which can generally be seen on the surfaces of the older discs. If the hooked extremities of the tendrils do not touch anything, discs, as far as I have seen, are never formed; but temporary contact during a moderate time suffices to cause their development. I have seen eight discs formed on the same tendril.

Think you a Norse woman, bred in a shadow of the constant mountains, forgets the first thrill of passion waked in her soul? Light women of those lands where the sun ever shines on fresh follies, may count their loves by the score, but with us of the North, one love suffices to fill a lifetime. And was not my life filled? Filled to overflowing with bitterness and misery!

For example, some three years or so after his death, a work appeared in Geneva under the title of La Religion Essentielle a l'Homme, showing that faith in the existence of a God suffices, and treating with contempt the belief in the inspiration of the Gospels. Thus we see what vein of thought was running through the graver and more active minds of Geneva about the time of Rousseau's visit.

This roof, and the sides of the house, are then covered with thatched straw, which suffices to exclude the rains. Some of the houses, however, belonging to the chiefs are of a stronger fabric, being composed of thick walls made of bricks dried in the sun, and having terraced roofs.