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Then a letter was written by Lady Amelia to her brother, asking for true information. This was the answer which Lady Amelia received; "DEAR A., I'm pretty well, thank you. Don't trouble yourselves. Yours, B." "I'm sure he's dying," said the Marchioness, "and he's too noble-hearted to speak of his sufferings." Nevertheless she felt that she did not dare to go up to Scumberg's just at present.

But if the heavens and the elements are capable of causing us much pain and sorrow, there are two sides to a medal. And there was reserved for Professor Hardwigg a brilliant and sudden surprise which was to compensate him for all his sufferings.

Sin is always pernicious. It not only involves the impenitent in present sufferings and future wo, but inflicts even on the people of God, in proportion to the degree in which it prevails, embarrassments and calamities.

His sufferings were pitiable, and his worst enemy must have felt sorry for him. His condition moved the compassion of the warden, and every indulgence that was in the power of old Saundie to bestow was granted to him. And as he was not yet absolutely convicted, but only waiting his trial, these indulgences were considerable.

And then he found such pleasure in the cessation of his sufferings that his one thought was to prolong the enjoyment of it. Outside the rain had ceased falling. The sun was setting in a vast crimson glow, which spread across the windows like curtains of rose-coloured satin. The church was quite warm and bright in the parting breath of the sinking luminary.

And though I think the sufferings of '39 will keep Birmingham and the Welch collieries in check, we cannot venture to move any of our force from those districts." "You must summon a council for four o'clock. I have some deputations to receive which I will throw over; but to Windsor I must go.

His monks, crowding around the dying Saint, groaned over the evil days that had befallen the Church. "Fear not," replied the old man, "for this power is of the earth and cannot last. As for the sufferings of the Church, was it not so from the beginning, and will it not be so until the end?

It is not so important whether we are secretly cowards or heroes; what matters is how we deal with sufferings when they come, what reaction we permit or encourage on their account in heart and mind and soul.

He was an ordinary individual, with no sublimity in him, and no compensation to speak of for his sufferings no consciousness of lofty right-doing, or of a course of action superior to the world. Perhaps you would prefer to go up-stairs and see for yourself what was the skeleton in Edward Rider's cupboard, rather than have it described to you.

Such a partner in all those duties and cares to which time must be giving increase of melancholy! She would have been too happy but for poor Harriet; but every blessing of her own seemed to involve and advance the sufferings of her friend, who must now be even excluded from Hartfield.