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An insect of prey, about an inch in length, long-legged and gaunt-looking, may be observed flying about and lighting upon the bare ground. It is a tiger in its way, for it springs upon tsetse and other flies, and, sucking out their blood, throws the bodies aside.

With her hand up to her bare neck, and her cheeks indrawn from sucking the sweet, the little model fixed her eyes on the tree. Her expression did not change; she showed no signs of admiration. Her gaze passed on to the back windows of the house that really owned the pear-tree, spying out whether anyone could see her hoping, perhaps, someone would see her while she was feeling so nice and new.

A short time previously the horse had cast a shoe; and this the tall man on foot had gathered up, and was holding in his hand: it having been voted that the first blacksmith to whose shop they should come should be called upon to fit it again upon the bay horse. "Do you remimber this counthry, Meejor?" said the tall man, who was looking about him very much pleased, and sucking a flower.

Historians have done their best, or their worst, to throw doubt upon the story of Eleanor's sucking the poison with her lips from the arm of her husband when a dastardly assassin of those days struck at the life of Edward.

Bravely the boy crept forward, knife in hand. Whatever it was, hiding under that log, Piang must take his chances; if he remained where he was he would certainly be killed by falling trees. His feet made a sucking sound; a vivid flash of lightning blinded him, and it was all he could do to force his way through the wall of water that was pounding down upon him.

I do not think that two grave magistrates were ever more mystified than were the vice-governatore and myself! Eh-h-h Signori, the wisest sometimes become like sucking children, when there passes a mist before the understanding." "Relate the circumstances under which this occurred, to the court, Signor Podest

The poor beast has been having fits of giggles ever since a moustache must be very ticklish to digest. Yesterday MacTavish, while engaged in taking his tub in the open, noticed that his bath-water was mysteriously sinking lower and lower. Turning round to investigate the cause of the phenomenon he beheld a gentle milch privily sucking it up behind, his back.

He took the bullet, turned it over and over, rolled it between his finger and thumb; then, turning to Pencroft, he asked, "Are you sure that the peccary wounded by this bullet was not more than three months old?" "Not more, captain," replied Pencroft. "It was still sucking its mother when I found it in the trap."

I'm dying to have a riotous time." "Eh?" Briskow turned an inquiring face to the speaker. "I've been hibernating in the wilderness, sucking my paw and living off my fat, like a bear. I want you to shown me this town." A bath, a brisk rubdown, and breakfast put Buddy in fairly good fettle once more; so marked was his improvement, in fact, that Gray envied him his glorious gift of youth.

Eliaures fell under the influence of a wicked woman, who, to satisfy her pique against Caradoc, persuaded the enchanter to fasten on his arm a serpent, which remained there sucking at his flesh and blood, no human skill sufficing either to remove the reptile or alleviate the torments which Caradoc endured.