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He has thrown a heap of rubbish of his own over poor Johnson, which would have smothered any less gigantic genius. M. Dumont writes from Lord Henry Petty's: "Nous avons lu en societe a Bounds, Tales of Fashionable Life. Toute societe est un petit theatre. 'Ennui' et 'Manoeuvring' ont eu un succes marque, il a ete tres vif.

And now surrounded by admirers, by adorers in embroidery and blazing with crosses and stars, she received les hommages enjoyed le succes accepted the incense without bending too low or holding herself too high not too sober, nor too obviously intoxicated.

Need I have read further to learn that, as a composer, you can never achieve a succès d'estime, and that your classical ideals are gone?

The child has made what you call a sensation. She has had her little succès. That is nothing to object to. An English girl is perhaps more reticent. She is brought up to believe that she does not care for succès. But Bice is otherwise. She has been trained for that, and to please makes her happy." "To please whom?" cried Lady Randolph. "Oh, don't think I am finding fault.

"To judge by his expression, the man seems ambitious of 'les succes de salon, also. Where did he import his manners from, I wonder? they have a sort of bright, new look, as if he had not yet worn the gloss off." "Don't laugh at him; he gives excellent dinners." "Does he? Can't you introduce me, immediately? 'Ici l'ont fait noces et festins. I seem to smell the turtle-soup, already."

Je me souviens seulement que j'y prouvois savamment que le rire excite par les betises est l'effet du contraste que nous saisissons entre l'effort que fait l'homme qui dit la betise, et le mauvais succes de son effort.

For such as these is meant the cheap cynical saying quoted by Emerson, "Rien ne reussit mieux que le succes." But this is not the aim and end of Emerson's teaching: "I fear the popular notion of success stands in direct opposition in all points to the real and wholesome success.

Did she know had she any idea that in London at that moment she was one of the main topics of conversation? in fact, the best talked-about young woman of the day? that if she were to spend June in town which of course she would not do she would find herself a succès fou people tumbling over one another to invite her, and make a show of her?

Twenty years later, Dublin was nearly deserted by the aristocracy on account of the Union. Up to that time nearly all the peers, except those really English, seem to have had residences in Dublin. "La transfusion parait avoir eu quelque succes dans ces derniers temps."

Without vanity I may say that Philippa and my mother had a succès fou. From the moment when they entered their box every lorgnette was fixed upon them.