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Hadn't I just as good go to jail here in Leesville as be shipped over to Europe to be shot or maybe drowned by a submarine on the way?" And thus a new terror was introduced into Lizzie's life robbing her of sleep for many a night thereafter, planting in her mother-heart for the first time the idea that she might be concerned in the world-war.

Gerard the Emperor's memorandum, as I assumed that he would read into it merely a confirmation of his view, and would discuss it in that light. If, however, the idea spread abroad that we were about to begin the unrestricted submarine campaign all prospect of success for peace mediation was lost.

The German destroyer hovered right at hand and her captain on the forward deck was bellowing a challenge at the Monitor through a megaphone. There was a tense silence in the conning tower of the submarine during the parley that followed. "Don't attempt to move," said McClure to the German at his side.

"The neck, Mr. Benson," continued Major Woodruff, "is the land best suited for watching our work from to-day. And now, I will state what the object of to-day's tests is. This morning our tug will be engaged in planting certain submarine mines. Mr. Somers will watch our work of planting. Of course the mines will contain no explosives.

A broad grin now appeared on the shipbuilder's lately white face. "Mr. Farnum, will you tell Hal, whenever he thinks best, to slow down to mere headway?" "Aye, aye, Captain," sang the shipbuilder, jovially, and disappeared from view. "Benson, I congratulate you on your nerve," spoke Lieutenant Danvers, as he turned, his eyes glowing, to the youthful submarine commander.

On arrival at Tobolsk the ex-czar and his entourage were received as political prisoners. The campaign of unrestricted submarine warfare, which was relied upon by Germany to win the war by the extinction of the British mercantile marine and the stoppage of transatlantic supplies, had proved a failure by August, 1917, after six months' duration.

But a loss by the latter had been incurred on July 7, 1915, when the armored cruiser Amalfi, while scouting in the upper waters of the Adriatic Sea, was sighted and torpedoed by an Austrian submarine. She sank, but most of her men were saved.

One of the reefs is known as "Man-of-War Rock," from the wreck of a vessel there, and the weapons cast upon the neighboring shore gave it the name of the "Pistol Meadow." The other headland supports a telegraph-station, and a submarine cable goes down into the sea, to reappear again upon the distant shores of Portugal. From here the signals are sent that give notice of arriving ships.

It was as follows: Mr. Balfour to the President June 30, 1917. The forces at present at the disposal of the British Admiralty are not adequate to protect shipping from submarine attack in the danger zone round the British Islands. Consequently shipping is being sunk at a greater rate than it can be replaced by new tonnage of British origin.

The next instant a queer shape seemed to envelope Ned Newton, coming out from behind a ledge of weed-draped coral. And a cry went up from those in the submarine as Ned was seen to be enveloped in long, waving arms. "An octopus!" cried Mr. Damon. "Bless my soul, Tom, an octopus has Ned!" "No, it isn't that!" cried the young inventor hoarsely. "It's some other monster.