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For the detection of minute quantities, the microscope must be used, and Guy's and Helwig's method of sublimation will be found advantageous. Crystalline poisons may be recognized by their characteristic forms. These are sulphuric, nitric, and hydrochloric acids. Symptoms of Poisoning by the Mineral Acids.

With only a modicum of overstatement, capitalism can be depicted as the sublimation of jealousy. As opposed to destructive envy jealousy induces emulation. Consumers responsible for two thirds of America's GDP ape role models and vie with neighbors, colleagues, and family members for possessions and the social status they endow.

Purity, we thus come to see is, in one aspect, the action of sublimation, not abolishing sexual activity, but lifting it into forms of which our best judgment may approve. We may gather the history of the term from the Oxford Dictionary.

Doubtless this could not be, but that she turns Bodies to spirit by sublimation strange, As fire converts to fire the things it burns, As we our food into our nature change. From their gross matter she abstracts their forms, And draws a kind of quintessence from things; Which to her proper nature she transforms To bear them light on her celestial wings.

He suggests that in dreams and trance there may be a clearer and more complete perception of space than is at present possible to us. A corresponding sublimation of the time sense is no less necessary to account for time in dreams. Although we seem to triumph over space and time to such a tune as to eliminate them, dream experiences have both form and sequence.

Now as spiritual wisdom in itself is of such a nature that it becomes more and more warmed with the love of growing wise, and by virtue of this love increases to eternity; and as this is effected in proportion as it is perfected by a kind of defecation, castigation, rectification, acution, decantation, and sublimation, and this by elevating and abstracting the intellect from the fallacies of the senses, and the will from the allurements of the body; it is evident that conjugial love, whose parent is wisdom, is in like manner rendered successively more and more pure, and thereby chaste.

I was tempted to ask her if she might be considered the ambitious Nelson, but of course politeness forbade. Ulpian, she is the prettiest creature I ever looked at." "Yes, as pretty as mere healthy flesh can be without the sublimation and radiance of an indwelling soul.

Sublimation, almigation, calcination, rubification, albification, and fermentation; with as many termes unpossible to be uttered as the arte to be compassed. LILLY'S Gallathea. Once upon a time, in the ancient city of Granada, there sojourned a young man of the name of Antonio de Castros.

Not that we staid till then; we saw all we wanted to see, and left by eleven. But it is a scene perfectly unearthly, or rather perfectly Parisian, and just as earthly as possible; yet a scene where earthliness is worked up into a style of sublimation the most exquisite conceivable. Entrance to this paradise can be had for, gentlemen, a dollar; ladies, free. This tells the whole story.

"Certainly. We all know our predecessors were a little over-rigid and scrupulous on all the points connected with outward appearances." "They certainly contrived to render the religious rites as little pleasing to the senses as possible, by aiming at a sublimation that peculiarly favours spiritual pride and a pious conceit.