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Reynolds, and by you," she said, her voice trembling with passion. "I have brought no such charge, Mrs. Estabrook. I have only explained how there may be doubt of your claim to the money." "I thought you knew me better, sir." "I think I do, and I also think I know Grant better than to think him capable of abstracting your bonds.

Formal Logic assumes the right of abstracting from the whole process of making an assertion. It presumes that the assertion has already been made somehow. How, it does not inquire. Yet it is clear that in each case there were concrete reasons why just that assertion was preferred to any other.

He was a former officer in the German army, but the desire of living ostentatiously without other resources than his salary, had dragged him into committing such reprehensible acts as abstracting funds belonging to the regiment, incurring debts of honor and paying for them with forged signatures.

Three years afterwards she renewed the attempt. She had taken one of the three tortured slaves into high favor, and had established him as a physician at Larinum. The man committed an audacious robbery in his mistress's house, breaking open a chest and abstracting from it a quantity of silver coin and five pounds weight of gold.

As this "settling" never takes place, of course the delinquents go on, even to abstracting all the treasures out of Smart's pockets. But you can see by Smart's eye a day of reckoning is coming for those two.

Hater to that end coming to me, he and I did go about my abstracting all the contracts made in the office since we came into it. So at night to bed. 17th. To Mr. Holliard's in the morning, thinking to be let blood, but he was gone out.

Abstracting them from the investigations before us, we arrive at the idea of the earth in its first condition as a globe of its present size namely, as a mass, externally at least, consisting of the crystalline kind of rock, with the waters of the present seas and the present atmosphere around it, though these were probably in considerably different conditions, both as to temperature and their constituent materials, from what they now are.

The money-lender swore an oath of sheer incredulous surprise, but checked himself at that and tried one more poser. "And what do you suppose was my object in having you watched, if it wasn't to ensure your safety?" "It might have been to make doubly sure of the letter, and to cut down expenses at the same swoop, by knocking me on the head and abstracting the treasure from my person.

Moreover, there are no seats, and the custodian insists upon abstracting one's walking-stick. I made fruitless efforts to be directed to the English section, where among many graves of our countrymen is that of the historical novelist, G.P.R. James.

It is the joint operation and result of those three different causes that are to be perceived in the general appearances of this earth, and not the effects of any one alone; although, in particular places of the earth, the operation peculiar to each of these may be considered by itself, in abstracting those of the others, more or less.