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Comment upon this, with reference to Burns. What is the general character of his poetry? Why is he called the poet of common men? What subjects does he choose for his poetry? Compare him, in this respect, with Pope. What elements in the poet's character are revealed in such poems as "To a Mouse" and "To a Mountain Daisy"? How do Burns and Gray regard nature?

They are fastidious; they demand advanced technique, and moreover they touch subjects with which women are not often conversant. Of the three, the Speaker is the least exclusive. But it may be well to say that many of them pay very badly and many of them do not pay at all.

"The King, therefore, at her reiterated remonstrances and requests, presented himself, on the following day, with his brothers, to the National Assembly, to assure them of his firm determination to support the measures of the deputies, in everything conducive to the general good of his subjects. As a proof of his intentions, he said he had commanded the troops to leave Paris and Versailles.

If religion, instead of deifying princes, had but taught them to respect the property of their subjects, to be just, and to exercise but their legitimate rights, we should not see such a great number of mendicants in their realms.

"Why, child, these are subjects so much out of thy way, that thou wouldst hardly comprehend any explanation that I could give." "Perhaps so; but what success, dear sir, have you met with?" "Why, I can't but say that affairs have not been quite as expeditious in their progress as I had reason, at first, to expect.

It appears to them a terrible thing that the men they care for should be hesitating and doubtful about subjects where they themselves have been trained only to believe one view possible. And they set to work in the true temper of missionaries, with profound eagerness and energy, and narrowness of grasp.

His lack of interest in the subjects she started, and his equal incapacity to contribute to her entertainment, were so obvious that she could not conceal her disappointment. An indefinite alteration had come over his whole person and manner.

With such a king as James on the throne, is it a wonder that the more intelligent and conscientious of his subjects like the Pilgrims and Puritans sought a home on this side the Atlantic, where wild beasts and savage men were their only persecutors?

The subjects which he has chosen, however, are of both historic and dramatic importance, and they have the added value of giving the modern reader a clear picture of the state of semi-lawlessness which existed in Europe, during the middle ages.

By this rigid mental discipline he acquired that wonderful power of concentration by which he was ever enabled to simplify subjects the most difficult and complicated." Mr.