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At the last day God will say unto Isa, "O Isa, Son of Mary, didst Thou say unto men, 'Take Me and My Mother for two Gods in addition to Allah'?" And He shall answer, "Praise be unto Thee. Thou knowest all things, and Thou knowest that I commanded men to worship Allah alone." APOLOGIA PRO VITâ SUA

La Bocca sua non diceva se non Jesù e Caterina, e cosi dicendo ricevatti el capo nelle mani mie, fermando l'occhio nella Divina Bont

Thus religion, beginning as a slight and partial acknowledgment of powers superior to man, tends with the growth of knowledge to deepen into a confession of man's entire and absolute dependence on the divine; his old free bearing is exchanged for an attitude of lowliest prostration before the mysterious powers of the unseen, and his highest virtue is to submit his will to theirs: In la sua volontade è nostra pace.

"'O fortunatos dimium sua sibona norint! "Leading through the complicated difficulties produced by previous obligations and conflicting interests, seconded by succeeding houses of Congress, enlightened and patriotic, he surmounted all original obstructions, and brightened the path of our national felicity.

The Senior Proctor then says to the other candidates: 'Eandem declarationem quam praestitit A.B. in persona sua, vos praestabitis in personis vestris, et quilibet vestrum in persona sua. When the candidates have duly taken the oath, the last and most important part of the ceremony is performed.

"What is it, Arnaud?" she demanded. "I haven't the slightest idea. I wish I had." "Platonic," he told her shortly. "The term has been hopelessly ruined, yet the sense, the truth, I am forced to believe, remains." "But you know how stupid I am and that I can't understand you." "The woman in whom a man sees God," he proceeded irritably: "'La figlia della sua mente, l'amorosa, idea."

So will this your Emilia be in the time that comes to the young people, she has this, as you say, malady very strong ma, ogni male ha la sua ricetta; I can say it of persons. Of nations to think my heart is as an infidel very heavy. Ah! till I turn to you who revive to the thought, as you were an army of deliverance. For you are Hope. You know not Despair. You are Hope.

In the hands of the majority of etchers a large plate is an abomination, diffused in interest, coarse of line; but Brangwyn is not to be considered among this majority. He is a big fellow in everything. Besides, Whistler was using the familiar argument, pro doma sua. Because Catullus and Sappho did not write epics that is no reason why Dante should not. It is the old story of the tailless fox.

In the clean-cut phrases and moral earnestness of this apologia pro vita sua, which deserves to be reproduced at greater length, we have the modern Bjoernson, no longer poet alone, but poet and prophet at once, the champion of sincere thinking and worthy living, the Sigurd Slembe of our own day, happier than his prototype in the consciousness that the ambition to serve his people has not been; altogether thwarted, and that his beneficent activity is not made sterile even by the bitterest opposition.

Egli con tutta segretezza mi ha consegnata una carta di somma importanza per l'orfona sua famiglia incaricando mi dirigerla a V. Sig. "MANTUA, Feb. 21, 1810. Yesterday, a few minutes before twelve, Mr. Andreas Hofer, late commander of the Tyrol, was shot here.