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"Ha! ha! so you have been making a feast for your nephew; very good, very good, very good indeed!" he said, without stuttering. "When the cat's away, the mice will play." "Feast!" thought Charles, incapable of suspecting or imagining the rules and customs of the household. "Give me my glass, Nanon," said the master Eugenie brought the glass.

In the rare cases where the facts would seem to indicate the truth of the statement, it will be found that the person in question never really stammered that his trouble was something else lalling, lisping, or some defect of speech that was mistaken for stammering or stuttering.

It would cheer the hearts of all Americans to take a peep into that room; if they could see the souls back of the trembling bodies; if they could get beyond the first shock of those trembling bodies and stuttering tongues.

Injuries and falls are a frequent cause of stuttering and stammering. Usually, however, an injury results in stuttering or stammering, not because of any change in the physical structure brought about by the injury but rather by the nervous shock attending it.

The shrill stuttering shriek which accompanies his aerial acrobatic performances, the subdued tinkling tones of pleasure, the jangle as of cracked china, the high-pitched tirade of jarring abuse and scolding at the presence of an enemy, the meek cheeps, the tremulous, coaxing whistles when the young first venture from the nest each and every sound, unique and totally unlike that of any other bird, indicates the oddity of this sportful member of the crow family.

Indeed, the goodman ended by blessing that Jew for having taught him the art of irritating his commercial antagonist and leading him to forget his own thoughts in his impatience to suggest those over which his tormentor was stuttering.

The boy that stutters is a model of obedience and tenderness; I ought to have dwelt upon and imitated that, and, oh! I thought only of his stuttering. What shall what shall I do!" The next morning poor Joachim said his prayers more humbly than he had ever before done in his life; and, kissing his mother, went to school.

But if you have become really friendly with Lamb; if you know Lamb, or even half of him; if you have formed an image of him in your mind, and can, as it were, hear him brilliantly stuttering while you read his essays or letters, then certainly you are in a fit condition to proceed and you want to know in which direction you are to proceed.

Parents of stammering or stuttering children between the ages of twelve and twenty, may well note with alarm the increasing nervousness, the hyper-sensitive feelings, the overpowering self-consciousness and the morbid tendencies which mark a state of mental depression, brooding and worry over troubles both real and fancied.

With this information as to the child's case in hand, parents should be guided by the advice of Alexander Melville Bell, one of the greatest speech specialists of his age, who said: "Stuttering and Hesitation are stages through which the stammerer generally passes before he reaches the climax of his difficulty, and if he were brought under treatment before the spasmodic habit became established, his cure would be much more easy than after the malady has become rooted in his muscular and nervous system."