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Disease may cause stuttering or stammering as an immediate after effect or the speech trouble may not show up for considerable time, depending altogether upon the individual.

"Mas'r," said the man, stuttering terribly, "I c-c-c " "Tell me how many soldiers there are!" roared Trowbridge, in his mighty voice, and all but shaking the poor old thing, in his thirst for information.

A fresh-coloured native, with a prodigious breadth of face, only to be surpassed by his prodigious breadth of shoulders, approached, and addressed us in a brogue so strong, that it would, like the boatswain's grog, have floated a marlin-spike, and in a stuttering so thick, that a horn spoon would have stood upright in it.

The crackling noise of rifle fire seldom died wholly away. By climbing the hill on which M. lived, we came close to the schools of the machine gunners, and could listen to the stuttering of their infernal instruments. There was another school near by where bombers practised their craft, making a great deal of noise.

I could go much further and prove that if Freud's theories were the primary and basic explanation for stuttering they must be applicable to all manifestations of human mental energy, which to me would mean that they are no less true of all vital energy, human or otherwise.

Of these three men, not one who did not early appreciate the quality of Ivan's few productions; and agree enthusiastically behind Ivan's back with a prophecy made by Nicholas Rubinstein, which, had its subject heard it, would have caused him to retire, stuttering with indignation. Never, in truth, was young workman more modest than the Gregoriev of that day.

We've got a scheme for a little outing in our canoes, and want to put it up to the rest of the bunch. How about coming down, Toby?" "S-s-sure I'll b-b-be there!" exclaimed the other. "Then make a start soon," and with that Max rang off, because he knew Toby would hold him indefinitely if once he got started asking questions and stuttering at the same time.

He would have spoken with grace and forcibly, if, fearful of saying more than he wished, he had not accustomed himself to a fictitious hesitation, a stuttering which disfigured his speech, and which, redoubled when important things were in question, became insupportable and sometimes unintelligible.

Tim grinned at me, but did not appear particularly flattered at his reception. "Not quite so fast, yung lady," he said, stuttering a bit and holding the pipe in his hand. "I reckon I wus thar all right, just as ye say, an' thet I did yer a mighty mean turn, but I ain't such a dern ornary cuss as ye think am I, Cap?" "No, you are not," I hastened to explain.

When severe stutterers are free from spasms they visualize, and when they stutter they do not visualize. When mild cases are free from spasms, they visualize, and when they stutter they fail to visualize. In a word, when visualization is present stuttering is absent; when visualization is absent stuttering is present.