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"Old Adam there is a born fire eater, too, but he knows how to set back when thar's trouble brewin'." "I ain't never set back mo' than was respectable in a man of ninety," croaked old Adam indignantly, while he prodded the ashes in his corncob pipe with his stubby forefinger. "'Tis my j'ints, not my sperits that have grown feeble."

"I guess I know it!" "Then you can undoubtedly tell me the location of Fort o' God?" "Fort o' What?" "Fort o' God." Pearce looked blank. "It's a new one on me," he said, finally. "Never heard of it." He rose from his chair and went over to a big map hanging against the wall. Studiously he went over it with the point of his stubby forefinger.

"How far can you go in this price fight when you open the cannery?" "Gower appears to have gone a bit wild, doesn't he?" Stubby ruminated. "Let's see. Those fish are running about five pounds now. They'll get a bit heavier as we go along. Well, I can certainly pack as cheaply as he can. I tell you, go easy for a week, till I get Crow Harbor under way.

They mused in silence, while the Factor drummed on the table with the stubby fingers of his right hand. "I am dispatching to-day," he announced curtly at length, "the Abitibi brigade. Matters of importance brought by runner from Rupert's House force me to do so a month earlier than I had expected. I shall send you out with that brigade." "Very well."

The examiner blew a cloud of smoke, then he fanned the screen away and squinted at Vaniman. "If you ever hear of me giving away the state's case in any matter where I'm concerned you'll next hear of me committing suicide by locking myself into a bank vault. Calm down, Mr. Cashier!" Starr walked close to Vaniman and tapped a stubby forefinger against the young man's heaving breast.

Harold ultimately she forgot his last name had taken her up the shore after supper. They had scrambled to the top of the clayey bluff and sat there in a thicket, looking out over the dimpled water, hot, uncomfortable, self-conscious. His hand had strayed to hers, and she had let him hold it, caress the stubby fingers in his thin ones, aware that hers was quite a homely hand, her poorest "point."

"Oh, come out of it," a voice said derisively. He looked around at Stubby Abbott. "Regular trance. I spoke to you twice. In love?" "Uh-uh. Just thinking," MacRae laughed. "Deep thinking, I'll say. Want to go down to the billiard room and smoke?"

The boy vaulted the fence and stood at her side while the mollified Cardinal waved a stubby tail, as one who would say "Now you see it took my dog sense to bring you two together. Without me you were quite helpless." "Why were you crying, Conscience?" Stuart asked, ignoring alike her question and the rebuke in her voice, but she reiterated, "What are you doing here?"

At last Joel picked up his pole and started to march away. "Hold on," called one of the boys, the biggest and dirtiest, and he jumped across the brook. Joel went steadily along as well as he could for the vines and stubby trees, determined not to turn back for anybody's call, at any rate that dirty Jim Belden.

The heat and drought had forced a premature ripening, and the stubby ears, fully formed, were empty of developing grains, except near the butts. It was discouraging to lose the corn, and John, to take the place of the shortened crop, had had a field plowed and sewed to millet. A promise of rain meant a probable crop of that substitute for the heavier grain, but it must be rain, not a mere shower.