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Having first sprung at him with that volubility of small but hostile yaps, with which she strikes terror into the hearts of tramps, she has now having smelt him to be not only respectable, but an acquaintance changed her behavior to a little servile whine and a series of high jumps at his hand.

And they're listening to those who preach of general strikes, and overthrowing the state, and all the other wild remedies the agitators recommend. Now, we know, you and I, that these remedies wouldn't cure the faults that we can see. We know that in Russia they're worse off for the way they've heeded Lenine and Trotzky and their crew.

"No one can enter this room unless I open the door, and fortunately there is but one exit. The wizard himself could not gain admittance unless the walls should open or the bolt drive hack for him. Hark! it strikes eleven, one tedious hour longer to wait. I must try to rest a little." She laid her head upon the cushion, closing her eyes.

It implied remarkable confidence, such as few people, especially few women, are capable of. It strikes me as rather pathetic, too the feeling that she would continue to live in another being, not a mere inheritor of her money, but a true representative of her mind, thinking and acting as she would do, always consulting her memory, desiring her approval. Do you see what I mean?"

I studied mind-cure, or metaphysical healing, which strikes at the root of disease; I went into hypnotism, mesmerism, and phreno-magnetism, and the od force I don't suppose you know about the od which Reichenbach discovered." "No." "Well, it's wonderful, but mysterious. Blue blazes seen by the sensitive, and all that.

He believed of himself that he had gone rather deep into politics, and that he was entitled to call many statesmen asses because they did not see the things which he saw. He had the great question of labour, and all that refers to unions, strikes, and lock-outs, quite at his fingers' ends. He knew how the Church of England should be disestablished and recomposed.

She is more thoughtful of the attitude she strikes upon the carpet than how she will look in the judgment; more worried about her freckles than her sins; more interested in her bonnet-strings than in her redemption. Her apparel is the poorest part of a Christian woman, however magnificently dressed, and no one has so much right to dress well as a Christian.

And then it strikes me that I get all the dullest and also the most dangerous part of the work put on me, and I don't like that. Copping glanced for a moment at his colleague with eyes from which, according to Carlyle's phrase, 'hell-fire flashed for an instant. Probably he would have very much liked to employ the dagger there and then.

It appears to be one of the laws of slang that when a phrase strikes the popular fancy, it is pressed into service on every possible or impossible occasion. On the other hand, a piece of slang which supplies a "felt want," and will one day, I believe, pass into the literary language, is "the limit" in the sense of "le comble."

Her eyes fill with tears, and, as she lifts them heavenward to thank her God, the light of heaven strikes on them, and she is so radiant in her pure beauty that the limbs of the young man tremble. "Lucy! O heavenly spirit! Lucy!" Tenderly her lips part "I do not weep for sorrow," The big bright drops lighten, and roll down, imaged in his soul.