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They hauled him out by those selfsame feet, and, after disentangling him from the straws that clung to him, were relieved to find that he had not been hurt in the least. "I guess we shall have to put a net under you. Lucky for you that that pile of straw happened to get in your way. Do you know what would have happened to you had it not been?" demanded Mr. Miaco.

Even his military victories were won by some greater than mere military greatness. Karma, perhaps, remembering the Mysteries at Gaulish Bibracte, and the world left now quite lightless, might have a word to say; might even be looking round for shafts to speed. But what, against a man so golden-panoplied? "Tush!" saith Caesar, "there are no arrows now but straws."

If theres a living in the family, or one's Governor knows a patron, one gets shoved into the Church by one's parents. FRANKLYN. One gets shoved out of it, sometimes, by one's conscience. HASLAM. Oh yes; but where is a chap like me to go? I'm afraid I'm not intellectual enough to split straws when theres a job in front of me, and nothing better for me to do.

Captain Zelotes had been watching him, his heavy brows drawing closer together as the boy delayed answering. "Well?" he asked, for another minute. "Did you hear what I said?" "Yes." "Understood, did you?" "Yes sir." "Well?" Albert was clutching at straws. "I I don't know how to keep books," he faltered. "I didn't suppose you did.

Four to five hours is required, according to the size of pans. Keep covered until the last half hour then the heat may be sensibly increased. Test with straws when they come out clean, take up, set pans on racks, cover with thick cloth and let cool thoroughly. Frost next day, with either plain or boiled frosting.

"What's that?" exclaimed several of the men eagerly, catching at their comrade's words as drowning men are said to catch at straws. "Briant an' me buried some o' the things, by good luck, when we were sent to make all snug here, an' I'm of opinion they'll be here yet, if we could only find the place. Let me see."

Still, woman-like, when there is a man in the question, his aunts let him, have his why. It seemed as if they had resolved to try their utmost to make the new home to which he came, or rather was driven, a pleasant home, and to bind him to it with cords of love, the only cords worth any thing, though sometimes Heaved knows why even they fail, and are snapped and thrown aside like straws.

To think that we can solve a problem of this depth and magnitude by any mere external means as so many good and earnest women seem to imagine by any multiplication of Rescue Societies, Preventive Institutions, and other benevolent organizations is to think that we can plug up a volcano with sticks and straws.

I have never, I hope, felt the vulgar pride that disdains want of birth in others; and I care not three straws whether my friend or my wife be descended from a king or a peasant. It is myself, and not my connections, who alone can disgrace my lineage; therefore, however humble Lady Vargrave's parentage, do not scruple to inform me, should you learn any intelligence that bears upon it.

Pasted on the foot-board of the bed was an old engraving of a wandering musician mountebank, playing a galoubet as an accompaniment to a dancing dog and a cock on stilts, a never-wearying picture for Straws, with his migratory, vagabond proclivities.