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When he was left alone with his Egyptian slave, with whom he rarely exchanged a word, he fancied that, amid the murmur of the waves washing the strand at his feet, blended the sounds of the street which led past his house in Alexandria, and with them all sorts of disagreeable memories crowded upon him; but soon he no longer heard them, and the next night brought refreshing sleep.

How many of ye do you s'pose will come back?" She shook off those near her who tried to pull her down into her seat. "Last year they lost a hundred an' five out o' Gloucester, an' every year they make widders by the dozen. If it was set in India's coral strand ye'd know it was a fishin' town by its widders; an' Freekirk Head'll be just like it.

The series of poems entitled Switzerland and Dover Beach are among Arnold's most beautiful lyrics. A fine description of the surf is contained in the last-named poem: "Listen! you hear the grating roar Of pebbles which the waves draw back, and fling, At their return, up the high strand, Begin, and cease, and then again begin, With tremulous cadence slow, and bring The eternal note of sadness in."

These used to lie three and four abreast in the river from the "Pepper Box" up to where the Eden Gardens now are, and they added considerably to the attraction and adornment of this particular section of the Strand. There were no docks or jetties, and all loading and unloading had to be done over the side into lighters and country boats.

Then he made the profession of the Faith and glorified his Lord in the most eloquent of words, reciting the following verses: Carry the trust of him on whom the wished-for death hath come To Er Reshid, and thy reward with thy Creator stand! "An exile greets thee," say, "who longed full sorely for thy sight; With long desire he yearned for thee, far in a foreign strand.

He took a couple of furnished rooms in Salisbury Street off the Strand, a very Grub Street for a man of fashion, and began to work at journalism while getting together a book of poems for publication. His journalism at first was anything but successful. It was his misfortune to appeal only to the best heads and good heads are not numerous anywhere. His appeal, too, was still academic and laboured.

The spars and rigging of the Zodiac did full justice to those who selected the first, and fitted the latter. Not a spar was sprung not a strand parted with the tremendous strain put on them. It was almost too much for the ship, Bowse himself owned.

He said 'Tried by Fire' was too melodramatic. Well, he can't say now it wasn't appropriate." They made their way towards the river, avoiding the street which was blocked by the crowds and the fire-engines. As they crossed the Strand, the man looked back. A red glow was in the sky. "A great blaze!" he said. "What you might call in fact what the papers will call a holocaust.

As to his laundress, she lived among the coal-waggons and Thames watermen for there were Thames watermen at that time in some unknown rat-hole by the river, down lanes and alleys on the other side of the Strand.

In all Rachel's career one can detect just a single strand of real romance. It is one that makes us sorry for her, because it tells us that her love was given where it never could be openly requited. During the reign of Louis Philippe the Comte Alexandre Walewski held many posts in the government. He was a son of the great Napoleon.