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I won't let you have her unless you get a divorce and straighten things out with your wife, but if you can do that within six months, or a year, and she still wants you, you can have her. I will promise in writing to withdraw all objection, and see that her full share of her property comes to her uncontested. I will help you and her socially all I can. You know I am not without influence."

Here was something like a quaint old print with a title, "Fate...." "Bumped my head," he murmured. But another thought persisted. It moved through the pain in his skull, unable to straighten itself into lines of words. It was something about fighting for Rachel. He would ask questions. "What happened, Mathilde? Where'd he go?" "You mean the man? 'Shh.... Don't talk now." "Come, don't be silly."

Its effect was to straighten the admiral's back, and enlarge in grey glass a pair of sea-blue eyes. And, 'What's that? Whitechapel? the admiral exclaimed, at high pitch, far above his understanding. The particulars were repeated, whereupon the sick-room shook with, 'Greengrocer? He stunned himself with another of the monstrous points in his pet girl's honeymoon: 'A prizefight?

Lawson with some warmth. Mrs. Montgomery had adroitly slipped out unobserved and was busying herself over some mending which was needed. She could hear the hum of the voices and could almost distinguish the words being said. "If Stephen Verne is not a downright fool he will straighten matters up yet," thought the woman as she put away the work-basket and began to plan work for the following day.

As the owner had a weakness that way, the want was supplied before they had been there two days, and when the tune came to depart, lo, Maurice had a dozen or two pictures in his possession to show "Old Ambrose," as the planter said. Indeed, it took Maurice just two days to straighten the books out, and then Mr.

"Here, let me get at that thing," growled Astro from behind. Tom stepped back, half falling out of the Venusian's way, and watched as Astro got down on his hands and knees, putting his shoulder against the case. He lifted it about three inches, then slowly, still balancing the weight on his shoulder, shifted his position, braced it with his hands and began to straighten up.

The afternoon was drawing to a close, and, but for the fire that was kept burning, it would have been dark within the lodge. They prepared their meal, but when Deerfoot was invited to eat he shook his head, rose to his feet and passed out. The Shawanoe had no more time than to straighten up in the open air when he was face to face with Mul-tal-la, who was on his way to see him.

He generally walked with his eyes on the ground, but would every now and then straighten his back, and gaze away to the horizon, as if looking for the far-off sails of help. He was noted among his farmers for his common sense, as they called it, and among the gentry for a certain frankness of speech, which most of them liked. He rang the door-bell of the Hall, and asked if Mrs. Wylder was at home.

"It's my back," explained the patient. "It's busted. It busted all of a sudden." "Was it when you were stooping over, perhaps to pick up something?" Miss Mattie stared at him in astonishment. "Are you a mind-reader, or did Roger tell you?" "Neither," smiled Allan. "Did a sharp pain come in the lumbar region when you attempted to straighten up?" "'Twan't the lumber room.

Take your tools and run along. I'll straighten up, and be ready for you when you can come back." "What if the fire gets over to you?" asked Bob. "I'll turn the horses loose and ride away," she said gaily. "It won't get clost to there," put in Jack. "This little ridge is rock all round it. That's why they put the camp here." "Where's water?" asked Amy.