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She was prayed for and I asked her if she believed that the Lord would straighten out her arm and she replied, "Yes," but did not move it. I happened to be looking at the old minister and it seemed to be written all over his face: "Just as I expected." At the beginning of the evening service we gave opportunity for testimony and this young lady was all on fire to testify.

The water was draining from him, and it was several minutes before he could straighten himself. There were pools amidst the boulders, and when they had splashed through these to the edge of the forest, fallen needles and withered fern were spongy, while the dark branches shook down water on them as they swung to the chilly blast.

Why, I seed yer shadow come right over me with yer hands up holding the lump o' paper, and afore I could straighten myself up down it come, and went right through the bottom." "You don't mean to tell me that there's a hole right through the bottom of my beautiful Seagull?" cried Aleck, wildly. "Why, how could she have got full o' water if you hadn't chucked that down?

"This is is outrageous! I'm forty-five! I'm a widower! I detest a jaunty widower! I don't want to be one; I don't want to " Yates gazed at him with deep concern. "Can't you help lifting your legs that way when you walk as though a band were playing? Wait, I'll straighten your hat. Now try it again." Mr. Carr pranced back across the room.

To hold the delicate material for Nora's unwinding was a privilege of the gods, but to hold it for this man for whom he held a dim feeling of antagonism was altogether a different matter. "It is horribly tangled," he admitted, hoping thus to escape. "No matter. You hold the ball. I'll untangle it. I never saw a fish-line I could not straighten out." Nora laughed.

The following arm signals are prescribed. In making signals either arm may be used. Officers who receive signals, on the firing line "repeat back" at once to prevent misunderstanding. FORWARD, MARCH. Carry the hand to the shoulder; straighten and hold the arm horizontally, thrusting it in direction of march. This signal is also used to execute quick time from double time.

It would have been much easier, of course, if her husband had left her and his child "comfortably off," or even with a tiny income. Instead, there were the bills, which seemed to shower down like autumn leaves from every quarter. The kindly brother-in-law, who undertook to straighten out affairs, became impatient, then severe towards the end. What had they done with their money?

"Hu-m-m, gentlemen. This is something you'll have to straighten out. It doesn't seem to be in my line." And he handed the paper to Major Ludlum, chief quartermaster of the department, who in turn read it, his eyes filling with grave concern. "Recruits on No. 5 broke loose at Bluff Siding, drunk raiding the saloon. Can't get 'em on train again. Can guards or police be sent?"

Everybody on the Prairie Division had been notified that a special was to go through to-night without stop from Lesterville to A. & T. Junction." "Well?" "Now we have it all to straighten out by wire on another division; meeting points to make, slow trains to side-track, fool operators to hold down; all on the dizzy edge of a strike that is making every man on the line lose his balance.

For fully ten minutes the boys stood there, first on one foot and then on the other, like motherless chickens in a rain-storm, and then the turning of the handle of the door caused them to straighten up into what they intended should be careless attitudes, which should say that they had intended to go right away, but had been delayed by the discussion of some important question.