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In the midst of their chatter and laughter a blast of frozen air and a spray of driven snow struck like ice through the room, and reached them even in the warmth of the old wolfskins and the great stove. It was the door which had opened and let in the cold; it was their father who had come home. The younger children ran joyous to meet him.

On the top of these there were a comfort and a pair of heavy blankets. "Your winter covers," said Mrs. Holt, indicating these, "and there is a good stove I take out in summer to make more room, and set up as soon as it gets cold, and that is a wood box." She pointed out a shoe box covered with paper similar to that on the walls.

But taking an apartment in a good house in the town, I ordered a chimney to be built like a furnace, in the centre of six several rooms, like a stove; the funnel to carry the smoke went up one way, the door to come at the fire went in another, and all the rooms were kept equally warm, but no fire seen; like as they heat the bagnios in England.

But she had no idea that she was sharing the exact experience of thousands of women throughout England throughout Europe: that as she stood there alone over a stove in a quiet little house in a remote part of Yorkshire, carrying out the everyday details of her narrow existence, she was more widely and actually international than the manual workers themselves.

Peter's face cleared. "Good," he cried. "Come on, we'll all go over there. I'll go by the front way, with Elia. You sneak out the back way after we're gone." Seated before the cold stove in Peter Blunt's hut, Jim Thorpe was lost in moody thought. His day had been long and wearying.

Flossie went to the door to tell this to the little girl, and then she saw that Stella had a new doll. "Oh, isn't she pretty!" cried Flossie. "I must see her!" Forgetting all about the candy boiling on the stove, Flossie went out on the porch. There she and Stella took turns holding the doll. All this while Dinah was at the front door.

All the peasants around here know that he had a lot of money in the bank and that he had been selling gold to the Government. Here they were murdered." Ivan stepped to the stove, took out a flaming stick and, bending over, lighted a spot on the floor. "Do you see these spots on the floor and on the wall? It is their blood, the blood of Gavronsky.

He scarcely had strength to move, and did not look up from his stooping posture by the stove, when, at day-dawn, Andy drew on his butternut overcoat, and tying a thick comforter about his neck, started for Mrs. Amsden's.

He obtained the figures from statistics pencilled on three thin leaves of beech-wood riveted together. In a chair by the stove lounged a bulkier figure, which Thorpe concluded to be that of the "old man." "I was sent here by Shearer," said Thorpe directly; "he said you might give me some work." So long a silence fell that the applicant began to wonder if his question had been heard.

'But first you come down to the kitchen with me, and have a nice warm bath behind the stove. Bring your things; there's nobody about. 'Down to the kitchen' struck me as curious; it was always 'out in the kitchen' at home. I picked up my shoes and stockings and followed her through the living-room and down a flight of stairs into a basement.