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LI., p. 9, is the original document, signed by Phips, dated on the first of August, 1692, turning over the Government to Stoughton, during his absence.

"Easy, now, General," the perpetrator of the outrage soothed. "You've heard of John Mosby, haven't you?" "Yes; have you captured him?" In the face of such tidings, Stoughton would gladly forget the assault on his person. Mosby shook his head, smiling seraphically. "No, General. He's captured you. I'm Mosby." "Oh my God!" Stoughton sank back on the pillow and closed his eyes, overcome.

At that came a little silence and there appeared the vision of Clark in his office, with his achievements dissolving before his eyes. "Robert Fisher is no financier," struck in Stoughton wearily. Wimperley smiled in spite of himself. "Perhaps not, but he mesmerized us into that office. There's only one thing I can see issue debentures secured by first mortgage." "Who'll take 'em?

When Stoughton and Bulkely were dismissed, the colony had been commanded to send new agents within six months. Hutch. Hitherto the clerical party had procrastinated, buoyed up by the hope that in the fierce struggle with the commons Charles might be overthrown; but this dream ended with the dissolution of the Oxford Parliament, and further inaction became impossible.

On the way to the street Stoughton asserted several times aloud, and with complete conviction, that he would be damned, while the rest began to experience a carefully concealed regret for the victim of their mission. At the club they sat aimlessly and played with their food, conscious that they were observed and known by all as the insiders in one of Philadelphia's largest investments.

'The undying fires of enthusiasm at once blazed up within him, one record declares. 'He was exceedingly reached and wept much, the Quaker chronicle assures us. He renounced every hope that he had ever cherished in order that he might realize this one. This was in 1666 the year in which London was devoured by the flames. 'Penn's conversion, says Dr. Stoughton, 'was now completed.

The little man glanced about him with visible abhorrence. "And a blast furnace without any ore," concluded Stoughton heavily. Clark's eyes wandered round the group while through his whole body ran a divine thrill. He had very swiftly interpreted the purpose of this official visit.

Plymouth was represented by its governor, Josiah Winslow, with the younger William Bradford; Massachusetts by William Stoughton, Simon Bradstreet, and Thomas Danforth. These strong men were confronted with a difficult problem. From Batten's journal, kept during that disastrous summer, we learn the state of feeling of excitement in Boston.

So the half-breed, with wonder in his soul, laid more wood on the fire and, squatting in the shadow of a rock, stared at the stream now shrouded in the gloom, and waited for what might come. "But there's none in this damned country," blurted Stoughton, "so get back to Birch's picture of the shareholders on the moss." "Trouble is I can't get away from it."

The next day, Mather wrote the letter to Sewall; and the language, in its Postscript, may have referred to Stoughton; particularly this clause: "There are some of his circumstances, with reference to this affair."