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This story satisfied the chief and the greater part of the Indians; but a few did not conceal their suspicions, observing that we told different stories, and complaining that their chief exposed them to danger by a mistaken confidence.

Fronting the central square is a vast building, two stories in height, the residence of the governor of Ladak, the Vizier Souradjbal a very amiable and universally popular Pendjaban, who has received in London the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

To add to her embarrassment, Miss Duncan seized both her hands impulsively and gazed into her face. "You're really very beautiful," she said. "Do you know it?" Cynthia's only answer to this was a blush. She wondered if all city girls were like Miss Duncan. "I was determined to come up and speak to you the first chance I had," Janet continued. "I've been making up stories about you."

It may be that his ideal was formed in childhood by stories of Pericles and the great age when Athens was 'in name a democracy but in truth an empire of one leading man'. He gave form to his dream in the Education of Cyrus, an imaginary account of the training which formed Cyrus the Great into an ideal king and soldier. Perhaps also the monarchical rule of Cyrus was too absolute for Greek taste.

The principal streets are Moon Street, Great King Street, and Great Sandy Street. In Chandrawakkawidiya are eleven thousand houses, many of them being two stories in height; the smaller streets are innumerable. The palace has immense ranges of buildings, some of two, others of three stories in height; and its subterranean apartments are of great extent."

Masters, an eager little woman who grasped at everything about her like a child, broke in: "If you know them, and they're really frequenters of the place, it would be fun to ask them over. Sydney used to dine here a great deal when he was young and poor, and he has such stories of the people he used to know then!" Eleanor hesitated.

"There is a great deal to be learned about trees," said Miss Harson, when all were comfortably seated in the pleasant schoolroom; "and, besides the natural history of their species, some old trees have wonderful stories connected with them, while many in tropical countries are so wonderful in themselves that they do not need stories to make them interesting.

If we may exclude the 'Marie Roget' narrative in which Poe was working over an actual case of murder, we find him only three times undertaking the "tale of ratiocination," to use his own term; and in all three stories he was singularly happy in the problem he invented for solution. For each of the three he found a fit theme, wholly different from that employed in either of the others.

Any accident might discover it, and if the slightest suspicion were aroused, the police would come upon her with violence and discover it. But surely there must be some such hiding-place, if only she could think of it! Then her mind reverted to all the stories she had ever heard of mysterious villanies.

In his eyrie upon the rock fortress, he is said to have kept for his enemies a cage of iron, in which the prisoner could neither stand nor lie down, and which Levasseur, with grim humour, called his "little hell." A dungeon in his castle he termed in like fashion his "purgatory." All these stories, however, are reported by the Jesuits, his natural foes, and must be taken with a grain of salt.