United States or Isle of Man ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The Son of God Himself, when He entered upon the duties of His mission, was led into the wilderness, where He was tempted forty days and nights, and when He was hungry and asked for bread He was told, substantially, that if His mission was of God that God would feed Him, that if hungry He could turn the stones to bread and eat. I remembered that similar sayings had been thrown into our teeth.

"I shall hope to make you do so before long," he replied, with a meaning glance; "but you are not very polite, you know, you do not offer me a seat." "I beg your pardon, I did not know that you wanted to sit down. I can only offer you a choice of those stones." "Then call that brute away, and I will sit down." "The dog is not a brute, as you mean it.

Four of them were asleep; the fifth was thinking of his new summer coat, which would suit him admirably; the sixth turned to the coachman and asked him if there were anything remarkable connected with yonder heap of stones. 'No, replied the coachman, 'it's only a heap of stones; but the trees are remarkable. 'How so? 'Why I'll tell you how they are very remarkable.

"The Indian savages," said Margrave, sullenly, "have not a health as perfect as mine, and in what you call vitality the blissful consciousness of life they are as sticks and stones compared to me." "How do you know?" "Because I have lived with them.

It wasn't 'Avast'; it were 'Belay there! Don't do that, they says. And then the boys said, just as you did, 'It was only my fun. And then the frogs says: 'Ha! they says, 'what's fun to you means stones come aboard and sinkin' us, and sendin' on us to the bottom." "That they didn't!" cried the boy archly.

In front of the gate of this stronghold there was a tower, made of beams of this wood laid in alternating directions at right angles to each other, like a funeral pyre, and built high, so that they could drive off an attacking party by throwing stakes and stones from the top.

So on the morn there came a damosel from Morgan to the king, and she brought with her the richest mantle that ever was seen in that court, for it was set as full of precious stones as one might stand by another, and there were the richest stones that ever the king saw.

There was nothing but the grouse to have rendered it worth the proprietor's while to erect such a boundary to his neighbour's property, plentiful as were the stones ready for that poorest use of stones division.

Instead of a track of deep sand blocked with huge stones or by veritable chasms of soft, crumbling earth, one finds there good roads, while numerous streams of clear running water constantly intersect the highway.

Whether we won any votes that evening I am doubtful, but certain I am that this meeting, which started so inauspiciously, was more successful than many others in which I have taken part in a Radical place, in spite of the fact that we left it amid a shower of stones from the boys outside.