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Bolting the shutters and locking the door I returned to the stoep, where I was alone, for as yet no one else was stirring. Then I remembered the letter in my pocket and opened it. It ran "Dear Mr. Quatermain, "I have remembered that those who quarrel with Dr. Rodd are apt to die soon and suddenly; at any rate life at my age is always uncertain.

Also you look pretty done, so don't tire yourself with the story, which I can get from Mr. Quatermain. Come and lie down and I'll have a look at you while they are cooking breakfast." Then he guided us to a room of which the double French windows opened on to the stoep, a very pretty room with two beds in it.

She smiled and slipped to the ground. "You are Mr. Merston," she said. "How kind of you to come over! I am afraid I am alone at present, but Burke is sure to be in soon. I hope you have had some refreshment." She gave her horse to a Kaffir boy, and went with her new friend up the steps of the stoep. "My wife!" said Merston in his jolly voice.

"I fancy the ladies of the Convent, who occasionally visit the Hospital, were coming in at this gate. The short nun, I noticed, had a little basket in her hand. Probably they went round to the side entrance, seeing the ha, ha! the stoep garrisoned by Her Majesty's Imperial Forces. Certainly.... Without doubt. We respect the Mother-Superior highly.

When Mrs. Keeley wanted me to have lunch, she asked them to remove to the stoep, and in this request they seemed to find nothing strange. Finally, about five o'clock they went away, much to the relief of their hostess; not, however, before the latter had shrewdly guessed the real object of their visit, which was to find out about myself.

In Woodly Street a huge missile went clean through the roof of a house, shot past the heads of a lady and gentleman seated on the stoep, fell on a soft patch in front of the door, and burst with a deafening thud five feet under ground. Many persons had an idea that they were safer in the streets than in houses where the additional danger of flying furniture was ever present.

He brought her food also, and they ate together in the quiet room where the ever-changing breathing of the man upon the bed was the only sound. He would have left them alone then, but she whispered to him to come back. He came and bent over her. "I'll smoke on the stoep," he said. "You have only to raise your voice if you want-me, and I shall hear."

Groote Schuur, the stately house built by Cecil Rhodes for himself, and by his will bequeathed as the official home of the Premier of South Africa, became very familiar to me. These modern adaptations of the Dutch Colonial style have one marked advantage over their originals. In the old houses the stoep is merely an uncovered terrace on which the house stands.

A moment later she became aware that the stoep was swarming with men who seemed to arise out of the shadows. A voice said in the Kaffir tongue: "Seize that fellow and bind him." Instantly, before he could do anything, before he could even turn, Richard was torn from her, struggling furiously, and thrown to the ground.

The postmaster, Heer Klein, and his old Pylades, Heer Ley, are great cronies of mine stout old greybeards, toddling down the hill together. I sometimes go and sit on the stoep with the two old bachelors, and they take it as a great compliment; and Heer Klein gave me my letters all decked with flowers, and wished 'Vrolyke tydings, Mevrouw, most heartily.