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There is wittnes to the oxen Jonathan & Josiah Gillert; to the cows being spoyled, Enoch Buck, Josiah Gilbert; to the cow that had her jaw bone broke, Dan, Rose, John, Bronson: to the heifer, one of widdow Stodder sons, and Willia Taylor; to the corne John Beckly; to the wound of the horse Anthony Wright, Goodman Higby; to the hops cutting, Goodwife Standish and Mary Wright; wch things being added, and left to your serious consideration, I make bold again to subscribe.

How was that possible, when every wave washed clean over her deck? what man could reach it alive? "Who'll cut the hawser?" shouted Captain Bankhead. Acting-Master Stodder volunteered, and was followed by another. Holding by one hand to the ropes at her side, they cut through, by many blows of the hatchet, the immense rope which united the vessels.

The lifeboat was found to be nearly perfect, but too heavy for launching on our flat beaches with light crews: she weighed four thousand pounds. This boat was invented by Lieutenant Stodder." "But if the sea be too heavy for the lifeboat to live in it?" "Then we give the ship a line: the ball is fired from this mortar, the line being fastened to the shot by a spiral wire.

Stodder returned in safety, but his brave companion was washed over and went down. The men were quiet and controlled, but all felt anxiety. Master's-Mate Peter Williams suggested bailing, in the faint hope that in this way the vessel might be kept longer above water. A bailing party was organized by John Stocking, boatswain, who, brave man, at last went down.

Stodder, and the deputy asked forgiveness of him and told him he freely forgave him, but Mr. Stodder was high. The next day 'the deputy owned his being in too great a heat, and desired the Lord to forgive it, and Mr. Extract from Journal of Rev. Ursula was of course poor, or she would not have been sentenced to be whipped. Shepard preach.