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Days of heavy rain are the most desirable on the whole, for then the gunners are too busy bailing out their gun-pits to worry their heads over adventurous pedestrians. One learns, also, to mark down and avoid particular danger-spots.

It was not exactly "Youth at the prow and Pleasure at the helm," but we were very jolly and not a little proud. A neglected knot-hole soon caused the boat to leak badly. We had made but one circuit, when we were obliged to "hug the shore" and devote our entire energies to bailing. "Tip her a little more," I cried, and the next instant we were both rolled into the water.

He hitched the horse, and helping his fair companion to alight, the two went inside the mill and watched the rumbling wheels. Alice introduced her escort to the miller, and after they had been shown the mysteries of grinding he invited them out to the pond, and after bailing the old leaky boat so it was usable, the two visitors started after the lilies. "Mind you don't tip me over," said Alice.

There were many spectators to that battle, none of whom believed that either launch or houseboat, ever would reach the land. Other boats refused to venture out in such a gale. Even the big boats remained tied up. So much water was taken aboard by the launch that George was fully occupied in bailing.

The men saved themselves by working incessantly, bailing out the water that rushed in through great fissures in the ship's side and finally, exhausted by fatigue, they succeeded in reaching Jamaica. Their ships sank; and leaving them there stranded, they passed six months in the power of the barbarians, a more wretched existence than that of Alcimenides as described by Virgil.

I confess I should have felt less anxiety had Oliver been with me; but as I could not exchange ideas with my companion, and we could only very imperfectly understand each other, it was very trying. During the day I had managed to steer pretty well, so that with occasional bailing we kept the boat free of water; but at night it was far more difficult.

They therefore were divided into two parties, one being engaged in bailing while the other lay under cover, the change being made every hour.

And having made what was perhaps quite as good a speech as some of his elders', Tubby stepped down amid loud and prolonged cheering. Up in the dressing room Jack and his cronies, changing into other, garments, heard the sounds of applause. "It's high time something was done," said Bill, as he gazed from a window at several of the yacht club attendants bailing out the unlucky hydroplane.

Yellow Handkerchief approached me, and, pointing out his village on the Point Pedro beach, gave me to understand that if I turned the Reindeer in that direction and put them ashore, they, in turn, would go to bailing. By now the water in the cabin was up to the bunks, and the bed- clothes were sopping. It was a foot deep on the cockpit floor.

Occasionally on the heavy night air would come a dull sound, like a splash of water, which showed that some industrious miners were trying to keep their claim clear, and for that purpose were bailing out water day and night. Twice did we patrol around our store, and yet saw nothing of danger or any suspicious circumstance.