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The Old-Fashioned Pews. In the early New England meeting-houses the seats were long, narrow, uncomfortable benches, which were made of simple, rough, hand-riven planks placed on legs like milking-stools. They were without any support or rest for the back; and perhaps the stiff-backed Pilgrims and Puritans required or wished no support.

We found him, this Geno-Rhaalton, in a secluded, somber little office of black metallic walls, grey hangings and rug, a block of carved stone his desk, and a few of the stiff-backed stone chairs, each with its single prim cushion. The office was beyond sight and sound of the busy city.

On the surface there were certain differences between the Canterbury colonists and those of Otago, which local feeling intensified in a manner always paltry, though sometimes amusing. When the stiff-backed Free-Churchmen who were to colonize Otago gathered on board the emigrant ship which was to take them across the seas, they opened their psalm-books.

Of all this she thought as she swallowed the hostile knobs of cheese and drank the tepid, gritty coffee. She followed her aunts upstairs, and was not at all surprised when Aunt Elizabeth, with an agitated murmur, vanished into higher regions. She followed Aunt Anne into the drawing-room. Aunt Anne sat in the stiff-backed tapestry chair by the fire. Maggie stood in front of her.

"Too long I have been a servant in the house of this stranger, this greedy Charity; too long have I sat a silly proxy for the Too-Fortunate in this narrow stiff-backed judgement-seat from ten till three daily. There is Love and April outside the window, there is too much wind and laughter outside to allow of the forming of Habits.

He was determined to have one, and a good one, and by sheer energy he succeeded, delighting in his boyish way over the opposition some of his novelties excited among the older and more stiff-backed inhabitants. 'Let them talk, he would say brightly to Catherine. 'They will come round; and talk is good. Anything to make them think, to stir the pool!

Salter's forbears were Yorkshire folk thrifty, self-respecting, stiff-backed Nonconformists. His father and grandfather belonged to what is called "the old school," when parents ruled their families with an iron rod, and the meek, down-trodden children accepted punishment without question.

Sherman, too, took up his march through the rich black belt of Georgia, destroying everything that came within his reach. The people of the North took heart, especially the stiff-backed Republicans who during the two years preceding had found little to approve in the measures of the Government.

The Denny he meant, however, was not Wharton's colleague in the House, but his son a young man who, beginning life as the heir of one of the most stiff-backed and autocratic of capitalists, had developed socialist opinions, renounced his father's allowance, and was now a member of the "intellectual proletariat," as they have been called, the free-lances of the Collectivist movement.

He came out from behind the counter, faced the lanky figure before him, with deliberate contempt. "You're a mighty stiff-backed boy in the daytime, you are, Walt Wagner, but in the dark " He halted and his mouth curled in bitterest sarcasm. "Why, if you're so anxious for a scrap, don't you run for marshal? Why don't you take the job right now and put Pete out of business?"