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It's too much trouble for you to be a mother to him, so you hedge with your conscience by letting Mrs. Porter pamper him and sterilize his toys and all the rest of it, and try to make yourself think that you have done your duty to him. You know that, as far as everything goes that matters, any tenement child is better off than Bill." "You had better let me finish what I have got to say.

We can easily understand, further, how the disease readily yields to treatment if care is taken to sterilize the milk given to the patient. We do not know to-day the extent of the troubles which are produced by bacteria of this sort. They will, of course, be chiefly connected with our food products, and commonly, though not always, will affect the digestive functions.

Aunt Hannah, why does a baby think that everything, from his own toes to his father's watch fob and the plush balls on a caller's wrist-bag, is made to eat? As if I could sterilize everything, and keep him from getting hold of germs somewhere!" "You'll have to have a germ-proof room for him," laughed Alice Greggory, playfully snapping her fingers at the baby in Aunt Hannah's lap.

About once a year the state health officer visits Hooker's Bend and forces the white soda-water dispensers on the other side of the hill to sterilize their glasses in the name of the sovereign State of Tennessee. The Siner home was a three-room shanty about midway in the semicircle.

Thus the tray is drawn back to the food laboratory, where other forces cleanse and sterilize the various utensils and place them in readiness for the next meal. It would be an easy matter to have this same mechanism place your meals before you wherever you may go upon this planet, provided only that a clear path can be plotted from the laboratory to your person." "Thanks, but it wouldn't pay.

And I found I was reluctant to go to my own home. I suppose it had so many regrettable memories. Anyhow, voyage after voyage I put off my visit, and so one trip, coming home to Tyne Dock, I found I had put it off once too often. My mother, who had been living at Brighton, was dead. It is curious how the sea seems to sterilize the emotions in some natures.

It could be sterilized before the door on the other side would open, but now it was arranged to sterilize itself to prevent contagion from coming out. The man behind the glass uttered inaudible cries. He was filled with beastly, uncontrollable impatience. He cried out at the mechanism of the contagion-lock as a beast might bellow at the opening through which food was dropped into its cage.

"But but there's Baby's milk," objects Ferdie. "Marjorie always watches the nurse sterilize it, you know." "Do up a gallon before you leave," says I. "It's such a puzzling place to get to, though," says Ferdie. "I'm sure we'd never get on the right train." "Whadye mean, train," says I. "Ah, show some class! Go in your limousine." "So we could," says Ferdie.

Cover boiler or kettle closely and sterilize or boil for the length of time given below: Do not close jars tight during sterilizing, or there will be no room for the generated steam and it will burst the jars. Asparagus, Beets, Carrots, Parsnips, Peas, Sweet Potatoes, and Turnips require six minutes blanching, ninety minutes sterilizing. Asparagus requires one hundred and twenty minutes.

Sterilize bottles and corks. Raspberry, blackberry and strawberry juice may be made by following the recipe for grape juice but doubling the quantity of sugar. For currant juice use four times as much sugar as for grape juice. Fruit syrups may be made like fruit juices, only using more sugar at least half as much sugar as fruit juice.