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Jump!" yelled Dave, in a stentorian quarter-deck voice. Greg obeyed, instanter. Tom flung the coil of rope below, then followed it. Hazelton and Dalzell, an instant later, were with their comrades. "Come on, now," ordered Darrin, who had snatched up the coil of rope and was darting over the roof. "Dick's waiting for us."

"Well, if there is any one up there," replied Pencroft, who began to lose patience, "I will give them a hail, and they must answer." And in a stentorian voice the sailor gave a prolonged "Halloo!" which was echoed again and again from the cliff and rocks. The settlers listened and they thought they heard a sort of chuckling laugh, of which they could not guess the origin.

"Stop, you fools!" suddenly shouted a stentorian voice. "See you not, you goblins, that your lord and master is here? Peace, peace then, you devils, and do not be hammering away at one another, but love each other." "It is the master!" exclaimed Gammer Gurton, lowering her fist in the utmost contrition.

"I meant you are right, my lad," said the squire, moving on, with the water growing deeper still, while the stentorian voice kept uttering cheering shouts to them, which they answered till they were only about fifty yards away, when it became plain that someone was coming to meet them, splash, splash, through the water, with a pole in his hand.

At this moment I received something like a jerk from the elbow of the gentleman at my right. It was an accidental jog, as he turned in his seat. "On the honor of a soldier, there is no man's flesh in this company heals so fast as mine." The tone in which this was spoken was harsh and stentorian, and almost made me bounce.

It was the invariable custom of the ambitious and confident courtier to appropriate the Queen to himself. Pausing at the close, he raised his arm ritually towards the trees and rested thus a moment speechless. "Descampativos!" he suddenly exclaimed in a stentorian tone, throwing off his robe.

We find also that Moses, and Joshua after him, addressed not only the whole congregation of Israel, including men, women, and children, but the "mixed multitude" of strangers as well. Their voices were distinctly heard by a crowded mass of people as large as the entire population of London. They must have had stentorian lungs, or the people must have had a wonderful sense of hearing.

Next he draws an ivory-handled revolver a present from Colt, of New York and, dashing fearlessly upon the bear, fires six shots into the dead body; upon which he coolly dismounts, and pulling forth from the breast of his hunting-coat an Arkansas bowie-knife a present from the poet Albert Pike, of Little Rock plunges that dangerous weapon into the bowels of the dead bear; then rising to his full height, with a dark and stern countenance, he holds the blood-dripping blade high in the air, so that all may see it, and utters one wild stentorian and terrific shout, "Harasho! harasho!" signifying in English, "Good! very well!"

The attorney, thunderstruck by this Hibernian impetuosity, had not yet found time to take his pen out of his mouth. As he sat transfixed in his arm-chair, O'Reilly ran to the head of the stairs, and called out in a stentorian voice, "Here, you Mr. Owen ap Jones; come up and be paid off this instant, or you shall never be paid at all."

Then smothering his anger, he moved away to the window, where he watched Mr. Talbot, who had just left the club and who at the moment was standing on the corner making his daily afternoon inspection of the two connecting streets; an occupation which Billy varied by saluting each new-corner with a slap of his cane on his checker-board trousers and a stentorian "Bah Jove!"