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Deceived by the song of Yates, who with stentorian lungs was still giving forth his woodland ditty, they supposed both had passed. Young Downing thought it impossible but that the savages must have seen him as he concealed himself. Greatly alarmed he raised his gun, intending to shoot one and to trust to his heels for escape from the other.

Presuming that he was some groom who had stolen in, the usher stopped him. "Hold, my friend, you cannot pass!" The man in the leather jerkin shouldered him aside. "What does this knave want with me?" said he, in stentorian tones, which rendered the entire hall attentive to this strange colloquy. "Don't you see that I am one of them?" "Your name?" demanded the usher. "Jacques Coppenole."

I grasped his pistol, hoping to avenge him. "The forecastle is our station, lads," he shouted, and his stentorian voice was heard above the din of battle. "Make a lane, there; make a lane, there," he added, dashing furiously among the enemy. I followed by his side. His whirling cutlass flashed round, and sent the Frenchmen flying on either side.

Hodges always obeyed his mistress to the letter; and his mistress, thinking she would be alone, had ordered "the parson" to be shown into the dining-room. The presence of a visitor made no difference in Hodges' opinion. Accordingly, in spite of Miss Vane's signs and protests, he flung the door wide open, and announced, in a stentorian voice, the parson's name "Mr. Evandale."

Colonel Thomas Hart Benton, who had earned the military title in the army during the war with Great Britain, was a large, heavily framed man, with black curly hair and whiskers, prominent features, and a stentorian voice.

It was evident that here they were to part with the brigands. "Hold them fast for punishment," cried the same stentorian voice. "We shall return with the true message. Down with all lovers of the golden cross! Death to them who serve Maritza! Down with Maritza!" "What is that they shout?" said Ellerey.

I was so bruised I couldn't mount again, and so I have walked. I see you are all right though, and that is enough for me. Oh my sister my darling Alice! Think what we have escaped!" So they went towards the house. And when Major Buckley caught sight of Alice, riding between Doctor Mulhaus and Sam, he gave such a stentorian cheer that the retreating bushrangers must have heard it.

Her foot was already on the first step of the guillotine platform, when suddenly there was a great commotion in the crowd and a stentorian voice cried out: "In the name of the Republic, hold!" At the same instant the throng parted like a wave of the ocean and three men appeared at the foot of the guillotine.

I still recall the innocent astonishment when we anchored in Hampton Roads, after the run down the Chesapeake, and the boatswain, as by custom, pulled round the ship to see the yards square and rigging taut. Semaphore signalling was not then used, as later; and his stentorian lungs conveyed to us distinct sounds, bearing meanings we felt could never be compassed by us.

"That's why I brought him round to see George." "I should like to see the two of 'em together myself," said Mrs. Henshaw, quietly. "I should have taken him for my husband anywhere." "You wouldn't if you'd seen 'im last night," said Mr. Stokes, shaking his head and smiling. "Carrying on again, was he?" inquired Mrs. Henshaw, quickly. "No!" said Mr. Bell, in a stentorian whisper.