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Then he hastened to the rear of the store, and spoke through the open window near the cashier's desk. "Do any of you know of an order sent out by Mr. Venner this morning?" he inquired, addressing the several clerks at work in the office. "An order to Thomas Hafferman for ten diamonds." Only a girl stenographer, seated at a typewriter near the office door, replied: "I think Mr.

Then the editor of the Cincinnati Times-Star discovered the letter in the New York Star, and asked that it be supplied weekly with the letter. These newspapers renamed the letter "Bok's Literary Leaves," and the feature started on its successful career. Edward had been in the employ of Henry Holt and Company as clerk and stenographer for two years when Mr.

In a flash the thought came to me that here was a way to avoid the wrath of Professor Farrago and a good excuse, too. He might forgive my not bringing a man as stenographer in view of my limited time; he never would forgive my presenting him with a woman.

He had brains and an enormous capacity for work. I should dislike losing so capable a secretary, but it would be doing him a good turn to let him know what I thought; and it was time that I did somebody a good turn from an unselfish motive. "Hastings," I said, "you're too good to be merely a stenographer. Why don't you study law and make some money?

He seemed to notice the hush, for he roused from the torpor into which he was again about to sink, and glanced cautiously about him. The stenographer was busy with his papers, and the other two stood with their backs to him. If help was to come it must come now.

Happily for all concerned, Hunnicott's better counsels prevailed, and when the anger fit passed Kent found himself growing cool and determined. Hunnicott was crestfallen and disposed to be apologetic; but Kent did him justice. "Don't blame yourself: there was nothing else you could have done. Have you a stenographer in your office?" "Yes." "A good one?" "It's young Perkins: you know him."

The fussy little fellow who fancies himself rushed to death, who has no time to talk with anybody, who cannot be polite to his stenographer and his messenger boys because he is in such a terrible hurry, is dissipating his energy into something that does not matter and using up the vitality which should go into his work.

Tell Hankins to draw a check for the rebate in full and bring it in to me. Send in a stenographer." Cappy clawed his whiskers as the stenographer took her seat at his desk. "Ahem! Hum! Harumph-h-h!" he began. "Take letter." "Mr. J. Augustus Redell "President West Coast Trading Co. "Merchants' Exchange Building, City.

Toward the end of the year Miss Sue S. White, of Jackson, the recording secretary, a court stenographer and business woman, gave a month to organizing the headquarters staff and making plans to carry forward the work in a businesslike way. Mrs.

"If only Von Behrling had been taken!" she exclaimed. "He was there in reserve, I know, as stenographer. I have but to lift my hand and it is enough. I would have had the truth from him, whatever it cost me." Bellamy looked at her thoughtfully. It was not for nothing that the Press of every European nation had called her the most beautiful woman in the world.