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President!" he began, suddenly panting with excitement, and Stoddard fixed him with his steely eyes. "Very well, Mr. Lockhart," he responded curtly, "what is it you wish to say?" "Why, I I didn't know," began L. W. haltingly, "that she was going to vote that way." "Well, you know it now," answered Stoddard freezingly, "does that conclude your remarks?"

At noon we crossed, piecemeal, a deep lake in the canoes, and marching awhile came to a timber-covered rise which our French prisoners named as the Warriors' Island. And from the shelter of its trees we saw the steely lines of a score of low ponds, and over the tops of as many ridges a huddle of brown houses on the higher ground. And this was the place we had all but sold our lives to behold!

In spite of its age and modern industry, the town looked strangely clean and cold. No smoke could hang about it in the nipping wind; its prevailing color was granite-gray. The Forth was a streak of raw indigo, and the hills all round were steely blue.

"And mind, silence, Mr. Jones!" He walked up to Jones as he said this, and looked hard at him. "Silent men prosper best, and live longest, Mr. Jones." Jones looked into his steely eyes, and suddenly fell all of a tremble. The President was satisfied. He abruptly pushed him out of the room, and we heard his shambling steps going up the staircase.

"Count Nobili," called out Franchi, from the other end of the portico, making a languid bow, "after all that I have heard, I congratulate you on your marriage most sincerely." Nobili did not hear him. All were gone. He was alone with Ruspoli. His head had dropped upon his breast. There was the shadow of a tear in Prince Ruspoli's steely eye.

He quickly got into his stride, that forward, leaning attitude of the snow-shoer; nor did he glance to the left or right. Straight ahead of him he stared, over the jagged rampart of mountains to the clear steely hue of the sky above. He was leaving the scene of his crime; he wished also to leave its memory.

And some add, that its report, followed by a fierce whiz, as of the sudden snapping of a main-spring, with a steely din, as if a stack of sword-blades should be dashed upon a pavement, these blended sounds came ringing to the plain, attracting every eye far upward to the belfry, whence, through the lattice-work, thin wreaths of smoke were curling.

"Yes; they even deny there ever was a devil or that there ever will be any future punishment. Just think of it," reiterated Mrs. Dyke. "I guess they will see, some time!" she added with a sort of steely satisfaction. "Do you really believe they lay aside all future punishment?" asked Grace, willing to waive the application to herself, and anxious to hear Mrs. Dyke's views.

Edward knew his adversary, not so much by his snow white plume as by the prowess of his arm. Twice did the heavy claymore of Wallace strike fire from the steely helmet of the monarch; but at the third stroke the glittering diadem fell in shivers to the ground; and the royal blood of Edward followed the blow.

"I'm mighty sorry, and I wish you good luck," he said, with flash of the real man under the smooth, steely exterior. Father scarcely heard him, though he smiled faintly. He read the note many times as he stumbled home.