United States or Timor-Leste ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I filed them up into neat and correct forms, and then hardened and tempered them, secundum artem, at the little furnace stove in my father's workroom, where of course there were also a suitable anvil, hammer, and tongs. I often made potent use of these steels in escaping from the ordeal of some severe task imposed upon me at school.

Ten steels were made instrumental in creating ten sparks, which were severally captured by ten pieces of tinder, and whirled round by ten lusty arms, until ten flames were produced, and ten fires sprang up and flared wildly on the busy scene that had a few hours before been so calm, so solitary, and so peaceful, bathed in the soft beams of the setting sun.

The Indians received the weapons with almost tender care; examined them carefully; took long and steady aim at the windows several times; snapped the flints to make sure that the steels were good, and, generally, inspected every detail connected with them.

"I'll signal him again." But the cabin remained shut, and the deserted horse turned, took a few first steels of freedom, then trotted briskly down the river. "Why, then, he don't belong there at all," said Nancy. "Wait, child, till we know something about it." "She's liable to be right, Liza. The horse, anyway, don't belong, or he'd not run off. That's good judgment, Nancy.

But before they began the combat a nobler feeling drew them to each other's arms; they lowered their weapons and embraced in the most fraternal manner. They then tore themselves away and the fearful contest began. They were now no longer brothers-in-arms, no longer friends, no longer brothers-in-law, who directed their sharp steels against each other.

So, one day, when young Chips was at work in the Dock Slip all alone, down in the dark hold of an old Seventy-four that was haled up for repairs, the Devil presented himself, and remarked: 'A Lemon has pips, And a Yard has ships, And I'll have Chips! And whenever he winked his eyes, showers of blue sparks came out, and his eyelashes made a clattering like flints and steels striking lights.

Whiz! whiz! went the polished pair of steels under him, and soon Wardham, the fellow who had held second place, was passed, dropping behind Fred, thus taking fourth place. Then Tom came up on Gray's heels. "Hurrah for Tom Rover!" "Go it, Tom, don't let him beat you!" "Go it Gray, Tom Rover is at your heels!"

Whose is this sable quiver, bearing five images of tigers, which holdeth shafts intermined with boar-eared arrows altogether numbering ten? Whose are these gold-crested arrows whetted on stones, the lower halves of which are well-furnished with wings of the hue of parrots' feather and the upper halves, of well-tempered steels?

Whose is this sable quiver, bearing five images of tigers, which holdeth shafts intermixed with boar-eared arrows altogether numbering ten? Whose are these gold-crested arrows whetted on stones, the lower halves of which are well-furnished with wings of the hue of parrots' feather and the upper halves, of well-tempered steels?

He denounced drunkenness, and said that he had gone up into the clouds and had seen the abode of the Devil; that there he saw all the drunkards and that flames of fire continually issued from their mouths, and that all who used liquor in this world would suffer eternal torment in the next; he advocated a return to pristine habits and customs, counseling the tribes "to throw away their flints and steels, and resort to their original mode of obtaining fire by percussion.