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His had been a strong, buoyant spirit and when her hands, like Moses' of old, had required steadying, he had never failed her. At first his death left her helpless and discouraged as she faced the task of rearing without his help the two young children, children about whom they had dreamed great dreams and for whom they had planned wonderful things.

Rising quickly, and with brave effort steadying her voice, she said, "I'll run and dress now, father, dear," and was gone, leaving him to face the problem thrust upon him.

Piety is the daily renewing of the ideal, the steadying of our inner being, agitated, troubled, and embittered by the common accidents of existence. Prayer is the spiritual balm, the precious cordial which restores to us peace and courage. It reminds us of pardon and of duty.

Rhoda, seeing there that it was a brute, and not a man, into whose hand she had perilously forced her sister's, stood steadying her nerves to act promptly with advantage; less like a woman, Robert thought, than a creature born for battle. And she appeared to be still undaunted, full of her scheme, and could cry without fear of floods.

There was nothing left but to get out of that the best we could. Colonel Pattee rode to and fro along the line, mounted on his bay horse, encouraging and directing his men, steadying and inspiring them by word and example. Under a less devoted commander we would have been captured or driven ingloriously from the field.

What is the matter with you, Laura? Why are you so white and silent? And hallo! Hold up, sir! The man is fainting!" "It is all right!" gasped Haw, steadying himself against the edge of the door. He was as white as paper, and his hand was pressed close to his side as though some sudden pain had shot through him.

Three figures, the dominating male, with the male supporter steadying his arm, and the devoted woman ready to crown him with laurel. First use of this kind of column for an idealistic conception. Prototypes of this column, like Trajan's Column, but to celebrate some warlike figure or feat. Best place to view column, from north, near California Building.

"I say, little girl, what is it all about?" he asked gently, and as she swayed unsteadily, he put his arm around her and drew her against his side. "Wait a minute while I turn out the light," he added cheerfully, pressing the electric button with his free hand. Then holding her closer in a steadying support, they ascended together the darkened staircase.

Besides, it was a relief to feel he was getting better and was able to work. In the afternoon, he had occasion to pass the spot where Festing was occupied, and stopped to watch. The men were getting a big log on end; two steadying it and supporting part of the weight by a tackle fixed to its top, while Festing and another guided its foot into a hole.

She paused a moment, steadying herself by the table. There was not a sound, not a movement in the room. Only Meynell uncovered his eyes and tried to meet hers, so as to give her encouragement. She resumed "Last August the nurse who attended me in my confinement came home to Upcote. She made a statement to a gentleman there a false statement and then she died.