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At Bologna I found a festa, or rather two festas, a civil and a religious, going on in mutual mistrust and disparagement. The civil, that of the Statuto, was the one fully national Italian holiday as by law established the day that signalises everywhere over the land at once its achieved and hard-won unification; the religious was a jubilee of certain local churches.

We met yesterday at two o'clock in the place of the Statuto, Derossi, Garrone, Garoffi, Precossi, Coretti, father and son, and I, with our provisions of fruit, sausages, and hard-boiled eggs; we had also leather bottles and tin cups.

For Ravenna, however, I had nothing but smiles grave, reflective, philosophic smiles, I hasten to add, such as accord with the historic dignity, not to say the mortal sunny sadness, of the place. I arrived there in the evening, before, even at drowsy Ravenna, the festa of the Statuto had altogether put itself to bed.

In the first place, it was necessary to obtain the authorization of the government, and this was the more difficult from the circumstance that liberty of conscience and public worship were not formally inscribed on the "Statuto," so that the government might have refused the authorization, and yet not have violated the strict letter of the law.

De Pallatio Soldani, ac numero, et nominibus praeteritorum Soldanorum. Cayr ciuitas Imperialis et Regalis est valde munita, et grandis, decorata sede propria Sarracenorum Regni, vbi dominus eorum Soldanus communiter residere solet, in suo Calahelick, id est, castro forti, et lato, ac in euecta rupe statuto.

The parroco's lips quivered with scorn. He remembered the affair a scandalous business! The King and Queen present, and a Jew daring before them, to plead the need of 'a new religion' in Italy, where Catholicism, Apostolic and Roman, was guaranteed as the national religion by the first article of the Statuto. The Contessa replied with some dryness that Mazzoli spoke as a philosopher.

And we only parted in the Piazza dello Statuto after having agreed to meet there on the following Sunday, and go to the Vittorio Emanuele to see the distribution of prizes to the graduates of the evening schools. What a beautiful day! How happy I should have been on my return home, had I not encountered my poor schoolmistress!

Her skirts went down to her feet and covered the skinny, colt-like appendages that had formerly made the denizens of the Gallery repress a smile. Her singing master was struck with the beauty of his pupil. As a tenor, Signor Boldini had had his hour of success back in the days of the Statuto, when Victor Emmanuel was still king of Piedmont and the Austrians were in Milan.