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On my way I was overtuk by a lurge krowd of Mormons, which they surroundid me & statid that they were goin into the Show free. "Wall," sez I, "ef I find a individooal who is goin round lettin folks into his show free, I'll let you know." "We've had a Revelashun biddin us go into A. Wards's Show without payin nothin!" thay showtid.

Jest then the female in the meal bag stuck her hed into the room and statid that refreshments awaited the weary travler, and I sed if it was vittles she ment the weary travler was agreeable, and I follored her into the next room. I sot down to the table and the female in the meal bag pored out sum tea.

When I helpt you into the show biznis I told you to dignerfy that there profeshun. Litteratoor is low." He also statid that he was doin middlin well in the peanut biznis & liked it putty well, tho' the climit was rather warm. When the Sircle stopt thay axed me what I thawt of it. Sez I, "My frends I've bin into the show biznis now goin on 23 years.

At any rate he's no good here, & as I statid to Mister What Is It, it's a pity he cooden't go orf sumwhares quietly by hisself, whare he cood wear red weskits & speckled neckties, & gratterfy his ambishun in varis interestin wase, without havin a eternal fuss kickt up about him. Praps I'm bearin down too hard upon Cuffy. Cum to think on it, I am.

Mr Ward statid that he would not give a fillosoffical lectoor nor an astronomical lectoor nor did he say what kind of lectoor he would give. The subjec was, however, the "Babes in the Wood." He has had the Babes in the Wood sum time. Mr. Ward is not rich but is doin as well as could be expected. It is one of the lectoors you read about, you know here.