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Henry rather haltingly described what he had seen in the stateroom that afternoon, describing in detail how Phil had worsted the manager of the car. When the recital had been concluded, all hands turned and surveyed Phil curiously. "Well, who would have thought it?" wondered Rosie, in an awed voice. Krao, the Missing Link, and Baby Egawa sidled up to Phil and gingerly felt his arm muscles.

But you must have one," and the girl promptly pinned one of the largest in his buttonhole. "This is more than comfortable," said Mrs. Stanhope, with a sigh of satisfaction. And then she sank down in an easy chair to rest, for the long journey from Cedarville had greatly fatigued her. In the meantime the other boys had taken the Lanings to another double stateroom, equally luxurious.

It was plenty dangerous, but if he could put it over maybe it would give him that "in" he needed. He hurried his steps and caught up with the big man just as the latter was stopping momentarily to peer cautiously around the corner and down a corridor which, Hanlon could read in his mind, led to the victim's stateroom.

"I found a tablet of the same sort of paper, and scraps of writing in the wastebasket that were in the same hand. Think, Sid! On the ship " "By George!" Prale exclaimed. "She could have slipped into my stateroom and pinned that note to my pillow, and she could have stuck the second one on my suit case as I walked past her on the deck." "And could have sent the others," Farland added. "But, why?"

Now, you remember some time back that A. A. and your friend Landover had a mix-up in the last named gentleman's stateroom, and you also must remember that Mr. Landover told you about it and that Mr. Percival never told you anything about it. Well, I was a witness to that fracas. I just happened to be walking along the deck when something caught my eye and I went up close to see what it was.

And here she is!" He unfastened the stateroom door, which had been barred from without. He opened it. He looked in, and grabbed, and pulled at something. Hoddan went sick with apprehension. He groaned as the something inside the stateroom sobbed and yielded. Thal brought Nedda out into the saloon of the yacht. Her nose and eyes were red from terrified weeping.

The gossips say that during his voyage from London to Bombay two years ago Lord Kitchener shut himself up in his stateroom and spent his entire time refreshing his knowledge of Hindustani.

He had been on board before, and had taken possession of his stateroom. The passenger took from his pocket the files of papers given him by the official on shore; and then he noticed for the first time an envelope addressed to him. The commander retired to his cabin to read his instructions, and Christy went to his stateroom in the ward room to open the envelope directed to him.

He was on one side of the door to his stateroom, and the what or whoever it was was on the other. Until that other made a move, Mike the Angel would wait. The wait seemed many minutes long, although Mike knew it couldn't have been more than forty-five seconds or so.

Abaft the wheels, on each side, was a small stateroom, one of which had been designed for the captain. Both of these rooms had been appropriated to the cook and the two waiter girls. Mrs. Light, in the apartment of the commander, was quite delighted with her accommodations; but Mr. Sherwood declared that she deserved a princely couch for the good dinner she had served that day.