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She was speechless, and could only stare at him blankly. "I mean," he continued, with a calmness that astonished her afterwards, "that I have changed my whole conception as to the functions and future of the Church, that I have come to your position, that we must make up our minds for ourselves, and not have them made up for us.

It would be hard if you hadn't learned any thing else except squalling and banging on the piano." I said nothing. "Why do you stare so, d n you?" he cried, looking savagely at me. I looked at the floor. "Come now," said he. "I sent for you to see if you can dance. Dance!" I stood still. "Dance!" he repeated with an oath. "Do you hear?" "I can not," said I.

A dead pause and a stare; "whereupon," adds Beauclerc, "he started up disconcerted and abruptly left the table." This is evidently one of Beauclerc's caricatures. On another occasion the poet and Beauclerc were seated at the theater next to Lord Shelburne, the minister, whom political writers thought proper to nickname Malagrida.

Nehal Singh listened to this strange, disjointed prophecy in perfect silence, his eyes following the fierce stare of the old Brahman into the oily waters of the Sacred Pool.

Before we left G. sang to them, with no accompaniment but a cold stare. When she finished they said they preferred Bengali music, it had more tune. We left, feeling we had been no success. Having seen a comparatively well-to-do household, Mrs. Gardner said she would show us a really poor one.

Clark did not answer but dropped into one of those thoughtful silences which, while they did not seem to exclude, made it nevertheless appear presumptuous to rouse him. "Too much imagination," he repeated presently. "Is that possible?" Then, after another long stare, "It's a very unusual face." Mrs. Worden looked very happy. "We're going to take great care of Elsie when we get her back.

Hugh was too much amazed to rub his eyes again he could do nothing but stare, and stare he did with all his might, but for a moment or two there was nothing else to be seen.

"Now, truly, Mrs. Brown, you are cruel," Mr. Herryman Hoggenwater said, pathetically, interrupting her thoughts. "I tell you I am simply longing to know if you will come for a drive in my automobile, and you do not answer, but stare into space." Theodora turned, and then the young American understood that for all her gentle looks it would be wiser not to take this tone with her.

But New York had seemed to agree with Oliver. He never told what he was doing what he wrote was simply that he was managing to keep the wolf from the door. But his letters hinted at expensive ways of life; and at Christmas time, and at Cousin Alice's birthday, he would send home presents which made the family stare. Montague had always thought of himself as a country lawyer and planter.

Far away the dusty vines overhanging wayside cottages, and the monotonous wayside avenues of parched trees without shade, drooped beneath the stare of earth and sky. So did the horses with drowsy bells, in long files of carts, creeping slowly towards the interior; so did their recumbent drivers, when they were awake, which rarely happened; so did the exhausted labourers in the fields.