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On the first day of October, 1868, the first passenger train ran into Saint Pancras station, and the Midland competition for London traffic now began in earnest, and from that time onward helped to develop those magnificent rival passenger train services between the Metropolis and England's busy centres and between England and Scotland and Ireland, which, for luxury, speed and comfort, stand pre-eminent.

"What do you want me to say? Shall I ask you how I'm different? Well, I've asked, George. Won't you answer?" "I can't. I can't explain. But a few nights back well all tonight you've been sitting as if I wasn't here. I don't know why I stand it. Look here! You married me." "So you are always telling me; but no one can buy the things you want." "I'll get them somehow."

These tambour frames, as they are called, are sometimes fixed into a small stand or fitted with a wooden clamp for fastening to a table; this frees both hands for work. These tambours cannot well be recommended; the material is apt to stretch unevenly, and a worked part, if flattened between the hoops, is liable to be damaged.

As for the carriage, it came to an abrupt stand. The driver made a flying leap toward the lake, but stumbled and fell, and before he could regain his feet Maurice was off his horse and on his quarry. He caught the fellow by the throat and pressed him to the earth, kneeling on his chest. "Hold him!" cried von Mitter, coming up with a limp, "hold him till I knock in his head, damn him!"

Fulkerson called out, "Here's Colonel Woodburn, Mr. Dryfoos," as if Dryfoos were looking for him; and he set the example of what he was to do by taking Lindau's arm himself. "Mr. Lindau is going to sit at my end of the table, alongside of March. Stand not upon the order of your going, gentlemen, but fall in at once."

From this standpoint I may refer to four or five species which stand out from the rest in interest and comparative rarity.

"Friend take this sceptre in memory of me, but beware how thou usest it save at the last to summon me, for it has virtues," and she gave me the jewelled Sistrum that she bore then said, "So kiss his brow, stand back, and be still."

"No, my dear child, I admitted that Euripides both loves and hates women, both, mark you. I love Alcibiades, but I abhor and hate his want of character; now I ask the friends here, am I a hater of Alcibiades?" "No, certainly not," they answered simultaneously. But Aspasia was roused, and wished to rouse him. "Wise Socrates, how do matters stand between you and your wife?"

And whereas thou seest him with his eyes lifted up to heaven, the best of books in his hand, and the law of truth written on his lips; it is to show thee that his work is to know and to unfold dark things to sinners; even as also thou seest him stand as if he pleaded with men.

The leader throws off his coat and stands thick and muscular in his blue jeans a roistering fellow with a red face, thick neck and chapped hands. "I'll pass 'em up," he says; "that's a man's work. You stand in the wagon and put 'em in." So he springs into the yard and the sheep huddle close into the corner, here and there raising a timid head, here and there darting aside in a panic.