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"Sure me father bid me never go past this way widout stampin' them down a bit to keep them from gettin' smaller," answered Mike, hammering diligently with his bare heel at the corners of the "futprints" of the mighty Fin-ma-coul. The operation at last concluded, he rejoined the little girl on a small grassy plateau surrounded by low growing Irish gorse.

"Fudge!" says she, stampin' her foot. "You think it's smart to take that pose, don't you? Well, you wait!" And, say, you talk about your haughty beauts! Why, she was a little the silkiest young queen I ever had a real close view of, the slimmest feet and ankles, reg'lar cameo-cut face all tinted up natural like a bunch of sweet peas, and a lot of straw-colored hair as fine as cobwebs.

He makes his advent r'arin' an' slidin' down the hillside into our valley, promulgatin' insults, an' stampin' for war. You can see it in Hotspur's eye; he's out to own the Caliente. "Prince Hal is curryin' a pony when this yere invader comes crashin' down the sides of the divide.

But why do you talk of forgetting? You are not going away from us?" "Yes; I am goin' to start to-morrow for my old stampin' ground, east o' the mountains. My only livin' son is over there, somewhar. He don't amount to much the Indian in him is too strong; but, like enough, he will be glad to see his father afore I die. An' I want to git away from here." "You will come back?

An' that settles it; Toothpick has to hunt out for different stampin' grounds. "It all comes from Toothpick bein' by nacher one of these yere over- zealous people, an' prematoorely prone that a-way. He's born eager, Toothpick is, an' can't he'p it none. "You-all has tracked up on that breed of cimmaron plenty frequent now. They're the kind who picks up a poker hand, kyard by kyard, as they comes.

For a moment there was silence, while the idea took root. "I supposed he was dead long ago," remarked Stetson at last. "So did I, until a month ago until the last time I was in town stocking up. I met a fellow there then from the country west of the river, and it all came out. Blair's been stampin' that range for a year, and they're suspicious of him.

"'Don't stand there gawking at me! she says, stampin' her foot. 'Say something! "'How about this St. Louis guy? I says. 'With all his "'Oh, he was only a Johnny, she says. "'How about De Mott? I says. "'Ugh! she says, makin' a face. "I don't say nothin' after that till I has it all thought out. The start looks awful good, but I begins to weaken when I thinks of the finish.

"Dan Boggs, who's a open, voylent Annie man, comes a-prancin' into the Red Light one night, an' after stampin' an' rappin' his horns 'round a whole lot, allows his shirt is cleaner than Dave Tutt's.

It only troubled the teacher an' bothered him, an' I reckon his life will stack up at the end jest as well, even if he can't read." "What does he do while you are away?" asked Wilbur. "Oh, a lot of things. He ain't idle a minute, really, an' there's times that he's as good as them that thinks themselves so wise." "What sort of things?" "Well, he's done a lot o' work stampin' out the prairie dogs.

Very sick he is. Take him away, an' av you iver say wan wurrd about fwhat you've dekkoed, I'll marrow you till your own wife won't sumjao who you are! Thin I heard the stampin' av feet at the ind av the play, an' I ran in to let down the curtain. Whin they all came out the gurl thried to hide herself behind wan av the pillars, an' sez 'Jungi' in a voice that wouldn't ha' scared a hare.