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A shriek from some of the women drew attention to the fact that the disruption of the mass had so disturbed the equilibrium of the neighbouring berg that it was slowly toppling to its fall. A universal stampede instantly took place, for the danger of being crushed by its falling cliffs and pinnacles was very great. Everything but personal safety was forgotten in the panic that ensued.

Whenever you see eighty or ninety more drunks than usual, you know there's either been a stampede or else justice has been administered." "Ain't Bonsor late?" asked someone. "No, it's a quarter of." "Why do they want Bonsor?" "His case on the docket McGinty v. Burt Bonsor, proprietor of the Gold Nugget." "If they got a row on " "If they got a row? Course they got a row. Weren't they pardners?"

They gave Richard steadiness and self-control; for the first separation between civilization and barbarism lies in this, that a civilized man is more readily quieted after a stampede than is your barbarous one. Also he is not so wide open to original surprise.

Yet, with even-handed justice he kept the land boomers also out of these coveted lands, until the Dawes Act of 1887 allotted the tribal lands to the Indians in severalty and threw open the remainder to the impatient homeseekers. Waiting thousands were ready at the Kansas line, eager for the starting gun which was to let loose a mad stampede of crazed human beings.

Not we who are free and strong. Our faith and arms with a right good will Shall push our carts along." At Wood River the plains seethed with buffalo, a frightened herd of which one night caused a stampede of their cattle. After that the frail carts had to relieve the wagons of a part of their loads, in order that the remaining animals could draw them, each cart taking on a hundred more pounds.

The Wild Mustangs. Hal and Ned. The Black and the Bay. Manuel the Herder. The Mustang-breaker. Life on a Stock Ranche. A Sudden Start. On the Road. The Lone Mule. The Stampede. Attacked by Comanches. Under the Wagons. The Lost Stock. Jerry Vance the Wagon-master. His Pluck is aroused. We take the Trail. The Comanche Camp. A Surprise. The Result. Visitors. Cuchillo, the Comanche Chief.

Suddenly about 11 o'clock Hannah Rosbotham was startled by a loud rumbling, grinding noise, and almost at the same moment a portion of the belfry crashed through the roof and fell in pieces upon the poor little children in the gallery. Immediately there was a stampede. The pupils and the pupil teachers rushed terror-stricken into the wind-swept playground, every one anxious for her own safety.

He could dance almost as well as a circus horse; and when Frank had tended the saddle herd at night, as horse-wrangler, he was accustomed to depend on Buckskin to give ample warning of trouble, whether in the shape of a storm, a threatened stampede, or the presence of cattle-rustlers.

After marching twenty-five miles from the scene of their meeting with the Crows, they camped, and that night hobbled all their animals. They preserved a strict guard, and every man slept with his rifle on his arm, as they suspected the savages might attempt to stampede their horses.

"Never saw such luck!" she declared none the less vehemently the next moment. "This play will never come off! I never shall be Mrs. Linden! How can I? Krogstad's gone on a stampede to Indian River, and no one knows when he'll be back! Maybrick, you know. And Mrs. Alexander has the neuralgia and can't stir out. So there's no rehearsal to-day, that's flat!"