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'There is a white boy by the barracks waiting under a tree who is not a white boy, he stammered to the first bazar letter-writer he came across. 'He needs thee. 'Will he pay? said the spruce scribe, gathering up his desk and pens and sealing-wax all in order. 'I do not know. He is not like other boys. Go and see. It is well worth.

"Why why she's very well, thank you," she finally stammered. Her face was as white as a ghost; with a shudder she started to pass him. Droom, blocked the way. "She was such a pretty little thing, I remember;" and then, insinuatingly: "Where is her father, now?" "He Mr. Cable," answered Mrs. Cable, feeling very much as a bird feels when it is charmed by a snake, "why, he's at home, of course."

The creature on the stairs above stammered and stuttered, inquiringly: "What outrage is this, Mr. Glenister?" "The people of Nome are up in arms, and I've come to save you. Don't stop to argue." He spoke impatiently. "Is this some r-ruse to get me into your power?" "Uncle Arthur!" exclaimed the girl, sharply. Her eyes met Glenister's and begged him to take no offence.

"The the money is here?" stammered the Commandant. "My dear Major, I hope so I sincerely hope so," Mr. Fossell answered, with a humorous look around him. "I do most sincerely trust we may be able to meet your demand for let me see, fifteen-eighteen-six, is it not? without being forced to put up the shutters." Mr. Fossell chuckled quietly. The Commandant drew a long breath.

She is going out to California next spring, and will have to look out for a governess to go with her, as, of course, she is taking the children. Would you like to go, or do you prefer school-work?" "I I don't know," stammered Margaret, who totally unprepared for such a proposition, did not know what answer to make. Ask her advice, I mean." "Quite so, quite so," Mrs. Danvers said.

He had intended to offer money to this boy, but with his gaze on that glowing countenance, he knew that he could not. He had come suddenly face to face with something for which his gold could not pay. "Th-thank you," he stammered embarrassedly. "You you were very kind." He paused, and gazed nervously back toward the street. "I I was expecting some one. We were going to take that boat." "No!

In the first place, Judith's flushed cheek in his neck upset his equilibrium, and in the second place he was overwhelmed with a sudden consciousness of the truth of Peter's statement, that he had not a clean-cut idea to his name. But finally he stammered, "Well, I call being good not drinking or stealing or being loose with men or any of those things for a girl."

"What are you going to do?" I asked. "Demand that those people give me back my wife, whom they have stolen. Don't try to stop me, Quatermain, I mean what I say." "But, but," I stammered, "they never will and we are but three unarmed men." Hans lifted up his little yellow face between us. "Baas," he hissed, "I have a thought.

It's all your fault, Crawford; you would stop to hear that fruit man talk. I told you you mustn't." The "fruit man" was Mr. Gaius Small, and, although he stammered, he loved the sound of his own voice. The demand for a dozen oranges furnished Gaius with subject sufficient for a lengthy monologue "forty drawls and ten stutters to every orange," quoting Captain Shad again.

"We call the, attention of the ministry to the unheard of attitude of this councillor of state " M. Marin bounded out of bed, dressed himself and hastened to his colleague, Petitpas, who said to him: "How now? You were crazy to recommend to me that old conspirator!" M. Marin, bewildered, stammered out: "Why no you see I was deceived. He looked such an honest man.