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"Tweel?" The other's tone sobered. "I wish I hadn't lost him, at that. He was a good scout. I'd never have survived the dream-beast but for him. And that battle with the push-cart things I never even had a chance to thank him." "A pair of lunatics, you two," observed Harrison. He squinted through the port at the gray gloom of the Mare Cimmerium. "There comes the sun." He paused.

Barby and Jan left the porch and walked to where the boys waited. "We've decided," Barby announced. The boys applauded politely. "You see," she went on, "I'm blond, and Jan is brunette." Rick squinted up at the girls. "By golly," he exclaimed, "that's right!" He put a hand on his heart.

It seemed to take him straight into a different and a dreadful world. "What ... what ... what...?" he gurgled. Sam squinted at himself in the glass and added a touch of black to his nose. "How do I look?" Eustace Hignett began to fear that his cousin's reason must have become unseated. He could not conceive of any really sane man, looking like that, being anxious to be told how he looked.

He squinted at the sun, now low in the sky, and quickly asked himself: "If a man doesn't git his dinner, and ates half-way atween noon and midnight, is it his dinner or supper? But that is a mighty question, is the same." He evidently concluded it was too vast for him to decide, for he speedily dismissed it and turned his attention to that which more nearly concerned him.

Like most of us, Jack had no objection to make a little money; and as he squinted his frightful eyes inside out at the paper, he thought over what horses they had in the stable that were like the thing; and then he sounded Viney as to whether he would put him one up for nothing, if he could induce his lordship to send.

"Well," said Geoffrey leaning forward, as the haughty ministrant drifted away, "you haven't changed a bit. To look at, I mean." "No?" said Maud. "You're just the same. I think I" he squinted down at his waistcoat "have put on a little weight. I don't know if you notice it?" Maud shivered again. He thought he had put on a little weight, and didn't know if she had noticed it!

The man was somewhat younger, but of a figure equally wild; his frame was long and lathy, but his arms were remarkably short, his neck was rather bent, he squinted slightly, and his mouth was much awry; his complexion was dark, but, unlike that of the woman, was more ruddy than livid; there was a deep scar on his cheek, something like the impression of a halfpenny.

They scowled, bending an intent gaze through the brilliant noon sunshine. "Sure I get it!" Billy answered in a low tone. "There's something there." "I don't." Honey shaded his eyes. "Nor I." Pete squinted. "Well, I don't see anything," Ralph said impatiently. "But providing you fellows aren't nuts, what the devil can it be?" "It's " Billy began. Then, "My God!" he ended.

"Goodness! I hope it won't give way with him," thought Miss Sarah; then aloud she repeated her question, adding, "I have no confidence whatever in Miss Pennington." Giant Despair squinted at her with his best eye, as if to see just what she meant. "My own opinion," Miss Sarah continued, "has always been that she is a witch; but even then I don't understand it." Mr.

However, the Captain squinted solemnly over Barnacles's withers and remarked: "Yes, he has got some good lines, as you say, though you wouldn't hardly call him clipper built. Not much sheer for'ard an' a leetle too much aft, eh?" At this criticism Jed snorted mirthfully. "Oh, I s'pose he's all right," quickly added the Captain.