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"She is in this house," said I, "and I knew the circumstance would be called unusual. But you are to consider how very unusual the whole business was from the beginning. Here is a young lady landed on the coast of Europe with two shillings and a penny halfpenny. She is directed to yon man Sprott in Helvoet. I hear you call him your agent.

"But then," Rube objected, "didn't Short Nose otherwise Simon Sprott say last night that the Crows hadn't a warrior capable of undertakin' such an expedition?" "Seems he's changed his mind," said Kiddie. Rube scratched the back of his ear, which was his habit when thinking deeply. "Somethin' new, eh, t' get a English nobleman ter lead a band of painted Redskins on the war-path?" he said.

They bust out a-laughing, and cries one: 'If you please, sir, 'tis meant for you! 'Tis the fifth of November, and we'm goin' to burn you in effigy. I chased 'em out of the shop, and later on in the day I spoke to John Sprott about it.

Sprott," said I, "this young lady is come from Scotland seeking him, and, by whatever mistake, was given the name of your house for a direction. An error it seems to have been, but I think this places both you and me who am but her fellow-traveller by accident under a strong obligation to help our countrywoman." "Will you ding me daft?" he cries.

If we don't take them we don't know who will, nor what kind of influences may surround them. Suppose Mrs. Keith's next door neighbors, the Sprotts, were to take them. Mrs. Lynde says Henry Sprott is the most profane man that ever lived and you can't believe a word his children say. Wouldn't it be dreadful to have the twins learn anything like that? Or suppose they went to the Wiggins'. Mrs.

"Sir 'Umphry 'ave took us all aback, sir. His own messenger, Mr. Sprott, was not in the way for the moment, and Sir 'Umphry expressed himself in rather strong terms." "Serve Sprott right. But what has all that to do with me?" "Sir 'Umphry, sir, 'ave sent, sir" the man could hardly bring himself to convey the message; "he 'ave sent, sir, to say he wishes to see you at once." "Me? At this hour?

"That's better, John Sprott. And you " his Worship turned upon the Methodists, "you just listen to this, now " "Our sovereign Lord the King " Here, as the Methodists stood before him with folded hands, a lump of filth flew past the Mayor's ear and bespattered the lamp-post. "Damme, who did that?" his Worship demanded. "John Sprott, who threw that muck?"

The tinker was seated under a hedge, hammering away at an old kettle, with a little fire burning in front of him, and the donkey hard by, indulging in a placid doze. Mr. Sprott looked up as Lenny passed, nodded kindly, and said, "Good evenin', Lenny: glad to hear you be so 'spectably sitivated with Mounseer."

"Well, anyhow, we've seen an' done a good deal, an' had a few adventures," Rube concluded, holding himself so that Kiddie might apply a fresh pad of lint and a new bandage to his wounded cheek. Kiddie left the head-dress and other garments where Simon Sprott had placed them.

This word I wrote and sealed; which while I was doing, Sprott of his own motion made a welcome offer, to charge himself with Miss Drummond's mails, and even send a porter for them to the inn. I advanced him to that effect a dollar or two to be a cover, and he gave me an acknowledgment in writing of the sum.