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There was great satisfaction evident in this syllable. "Do you know where the colonel is now?" "Not the faintest idea. He lived somewhere in Virginia. But he's been on the travel for several years." Robert stirred his coffee and took a spoonful and dropped the spoon. "Pah! I must have put in a quart of sugar. Can you spare me another cup?" "Annesley?" Nancy's face brightened. "Colonel Annesley?

So for every reason Duke and Pamela wished to eat up the bread and milk to the last spoonful. It was not that they did not like it it was as good and nice as bread and milk could be, and they were not dainty. Only they could not eat so much! This morning they had not half finished when their appetites began to flag.

About two Mrs Baxter brought him his dinner, and he did rouse himself, and swallowed a spoonful of soup and half a glass of wine. At this time Posy came to him, and stood at the bedside, looking at him with her great wide eyes. She seemed to be aware that life had now gone so far with her dear old friend that she must not be allowed to sit upon his bed again.

In the meantime boil two quarts of water with one large spoonful of oatmeal, and a bit of lemon peel; then add the cranberries, and as much fine Lisbon sugar as shall leave a smart flavour of the fruit. Add a quarter of a pint of sherry, or less, as may be proper: boil all together for half an hour, and strain off the drink.

Our drink generally was water, and if cool, nothing can equal it in a hot climate. We usually carried a bottle of brandy rolled up in our blankets, but that was used only as a medicine; a spoonful in hot water before going to bed, to fend off a chill and fever.

"Indeed I will," assented the curate. "But I must run for Mr. Faber first." "How did I come here?" asked Leopold, opening his eyes large upon Helen after swallowing a spoonful of the broth she held to his lips. But, before she could answer him, he turned sick, and by the time the doctor came was very feverish.

The French put two cupfuls of boiling water to each cupful of chocolate. They throw in the chocolate just as the water commences to boil. Stir it with a spoon as soon as it boils up, add two cupfuls of good milk, and when it has boiled sufficiently, serve a spoonful of thick whipped cream with each cup. Six tablespoonfuls of cocoa to each pint of water, as much milk as water, sugar to taste.

After that I went below, lit a spirit lamp, and made myself a big bowl of hot soup real hot soup a small tin of soup and bouilli, and a half bottle of Worcester sauce with a spoonful of cayenne pepper and a stiff glass of brandy thrown in.

This makes a rich dish and is eaten without sauce. This quantity will bake in four ordinary pie plates. Arrow Root Pudding. Take four table spoonsful of arrow root, mixed in a little cold milk; pour on this a quart of boiling milk, beat six eggs with three table spoonsful of sugar, and stir all together with a spoonful of butter, bake it twenty minutes in paste. Rice Pudding.

Bake on buttered tins in a quick oven. One cup of butter, two cups of sugar, three eggs well beaten, a teaspoonful of soda and two of cream of tartar, spoonful of milk, one teaspoonful of nutmeg and one of cinnamon. Flour enough to make a soft dough just stiff enough to roll out. Try a pint of sifted flour to begin with, working it in gradually.