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'Why not? she said, standing up straight before me, and facing me just as I saw father face the big bullock-driver before he knocked him down. 'Why not? You need never ask him for another meal; you can earn an easy living in half-a-dozen ways, you and Jim. Why should you let him spoil your life and ruin your soul for evermore?

"I never saw a more attractive girl anywhere. She seems absolutely perfect to me." "Then suppose you don't start any scheme calculated to spoil her!" proposed Mrs. Comstock dryly. "I don't think you can, or that any man could, but I'm not taking any risks. You asked to come here to help in this work.

"It is in a very dirty condition," the chief observes, "but we shall soon get that all right," he adds, "by giving it a wash." "But will not wetting it spoil the tone?" the lady asks. "Not in the least, ma'am," is the reply. "In fact, it will be improved, as at present there is so much grease and filth that the vibration would be seriously interfered with.

"Now tell me what you are going to do for the rest of the evening." "I am going," she said, "to try and save the life of the man who has the paper which was stolen from me. Incidentally I may be able to get it back again." "Can I come too?" he asked. "Certainly not!" she answered. "It isn't an affair for you to be mixed up in, and besides it would spoil my chance."

"And I had a few errands to do in the village." "Don't spoil it!" "I am a horribly literal person," she said. "Better that than literally horrible," he retorted, rather proud of himself for it. "It's wonderful, the friendship between you two girls Sara's not much more than a girl, you see. You're so utterly unlike in every way."

"I'm a rebel," was the silly boast of the young disciple. "Spoil something, set fire to something," was held to be the proper text for any girl or lad of spirit. And this blind discontent carried on into the war.

The valet was less than two blocks away, and once he actually stopped and looked around as if to see if he was followed. Quickly Steell and Dick darted under a doorway, and, seeing nothing to arouse his suspicion, François went on. The lawyer was taking no chances to-night. It was too good a game to spoil. That they were on the right trail at last he was morally certain.

We would fain see something that had met the eyes of the island-born child in the first years of his coming to his foreign home. We would fain see even the church of Robert of Grantmesnil, much more the elder church from which the High Chancellor of Duke Hugh the Great carried away the body of Saint Evroul himself, as a piece of holy spoil which Normandy had to yield to France.

She said that being in a train was no pursuit for a gentlewoman." "That sounds like her. She's quite mad." "She seemed very kind." "I'm glad she did to you. She has seemed rather the contrary to me." "Oh, what did she do to you?" "Did her best to spoil my life, that's all with the best intentions, no doubt. Still, by Jove, I thank her!

The body, barely draped, was that of a slim yet robust youth, whose face beamed with the rapture of his heavenly flight. "They found him too human," said Jahan. "And after all they were right. There's nothing so difficult to conceive as an angel. One even hesitates as to the sex; and when faith is lacking one has to take the first model one finds and copy it and spoil it.