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He spoke in a hesitating, spiritless manner, and the young woman, huddled up on her low chair, continued gazing dreamily at the flame without listening. Laurent went on: "Remember how I used to dream of staying a whole night with you? I dreamed of waking up in the morning to your kisses, now it can come true." Therese all at once started as though surprised to hear a voice stammering in her ears.

We were abreast of the forlorn little shack of a dry-farmer, weathered and patched, set a dozen yards from the road and surrounded by hard-packed earth. Before the open door basked children and pigs and a few spiritless chickens. All the children ran to the door when we halted and called to someone within.

Occasionally we saw stark-naked men of superb build, bathing, and making no attempt at concealment. However, an hour's acquaintance with this cheerful custom reconciled the pilgrims to it, and then it ceased to occasion remark. Thus easily do even the most startling novelties grow tame and spiritless to these sight-surfeited wanderers.

She seemed spiritless, and the charming face held a gravity that was quite foreign to it. In the searching winter sunlight he could even discern one or two faint lines about the violet-blue eyes, while the curving mouth, with its provocative short upper lip, drooped rather wearily at its corners. "You're bored stiff," he told her firmly.

She stood drooping, utterly, utterly broken and spiritless before the man's swift, brief indictment and action. The end had come. Nor had it anything of the end she had visualized in her dread. It was ten times more cruel than she had even dared to dream. Supper was over when Jeff arrived. He came straight into the room where the colored girl had just finished clearing the table.

Where are you going to have yours?" "I don't know that I'll ever have one. I think I'll run about the world a little before I draw my plans," he replied sarcastically. "Take me with you, Claude!" said Gladys in a tone of sudden weariness. From that spiritless murmur Enid suspected that Bayliss had captured Gladys' hand under the buffalo robe. Grimness had settled down over the sleighing party.

Their spiritless contests differ as much from those of the game-birds as do the fist fights of untrained men from the contests of skilled pugilists. Although to persons unaccustomed to the spectacle the combats between game-birds may seem disgusting, almost every one must admire the valor, grace, and address which such scenes exhibit.

As for suspecting him to be mad, it would have been a common idea: no stretching of speech or overstepping of social rules could waken a suspicion so spiritless in Woodseer. He said: 'I can tell you I met her and she lives. I could as soon swim in that torrent or leap the mountain as repeat what she spoke, or sketch a feature of her. She goes into the blood, she is a new idea of women.

For the young braves, life, once vivid with color and thrilling with tingling emotions, had faded into the somber-hued monotony of a dull and spiritless existence, eked out by the charity of the race who had robbed them of their hunting-grounds and deprived them of their rights as free men.

Oppressive military feudalism, keeping the vast majority of the people in practical bondage, physical, intellectual, and spiritual, would necessarily render their lives and thoughts narrow in range and spiritless in nature. Such a system crushes out hope.