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Then Walther relates his dream, meeting Sachs's request for a master-song by casting it as he goes, with the light ease of genius, into verse and melody, his second astonishing improvisation, joyous as the first, but not agitated reflective, as if he filled Sordello's account of himself: "I' mi son un che quando Amore spira, noto, e quel che detta dentro vo significando."

I hear them I see them;" and he lifted his head cautiously, and fixed his lynx eyes on a point where the hillside met the pale blue sky. "They are pouring down twenty, thirty of them! Not one would stay behind, I warrant! Ah, why must I?" "Why must you, husband?" responded Spira, but in a submissive tone. "Go, and trust me to guide our lady to her husband.

The articles were submitted to my inspection, approved of, and paid for, Basil asking very fair prices for them, and handing over the silver to Spira as if he could not be "fashed" to carry it. "Now, Basil," I rather maliciously said, "pray relieve your wife of that heavy load; she must be quite tired."

Testa depresso-globosa, superne inferneque convexa, orbicularis, obsolete sub-angulata, pallide aurantiaca, sub lente spiraliter striata; spira obtusa; anfractus 4 1/2, vix convexiusculi; basis imperforata, centraliter sub-impressa; apertura lunata, inferne subangulata; peristoma incrassatum, aurantiacum, reflexum. Diam. maj. 4 1/2, min. 4, alt. 3 mill.

"Spira is used to heavy loads," replied the imperturbable Basil; "no wife in our hamlet can carry so large a sheaf of corn as she." Apparently it gratified Spira to be thus compared to a beast of burden; for she crept up to Basil's side and kissed his sleeve.

In the midst of this distress he 'saw a glory in walking with God, although a dismal cloud enveloped him. This misery was aggravated by reading the fearful estate of Francis Spira, who had been persuaded to return to a profession of Popery, and died in a state of awful despair. 'This book' was to his troubled spirit like salt rubbed into a fresh wound.

A gentle descent led to the village, and in the distance shimmered a white shroud-like mist, which Spira told me covered the lake of Scutari. Somewhere in that direction Laurie must be lying, I knew; and the certainty doubled my impatience to get to him.

The stream widened into a little river, and we suddenly turned to the right, and went down to its bank through a patch of Indian corn seven feet high. A number of wild ducks flew out of the reeds, startled partly by our approach, partly by that of a boat, in which sat a solitary figure rowing vigorously. "It is Basil!" cried Spira, joyfully.

He set himself to compare his sin with that of David and Peter, but saw that there were specialties in his guilt which made it far greater. The only case which he could compare to his own was that of Judas. "About this time I did light on the dreadful story of that miserable mortal, Francis Spira.

Archie remained silent, only when Aunt Cattie sat down and resumed her narrative, he was heard to mutter to himself that it was "awful jolly!" The day that Spira left us, she said, was the last of your uncle's holiday. That evening we sat together before the hearth on which a pine log or two from Montenegro blazed.