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Spigot, who was on the best of terms with the 'cook-housekeeper, and had his clothes washed on the sly in the laundry, could not do less than communicate the intelligence to her, from whom it went to the lady's-maid, and thence circulated in the upper regions. Juliana, the maid, finding Miss Amelia less indisposed to hear Mr.

Two comes together with just enough for two; next year instead of two they are three, and one of the three can't work and wants a servant extra, and by and by there is half a dozen, and the money coming in at the spigot and going out at the bung-hole." One day, in the middle of his wooing, she laid down her iron, and said: "You come along with me.

Sponge! exclaimed Jawleyford, holding up a long needle-case of a glass with the Jawleyford crests emblazoned about; 'don't wait of me, pray, repeated he, as Spigot finished dribbling the froth into Sponge's glass; and Jawleyford, with a flourishing bow and waive of his empty needle-case, drank Mr. Sponge's very good health, adding, 'I'm extremely happy to see you at Jawleyford Court.

He was troubled, but for the life of him could find no adequate words, who usually had the dictionary at his disposal. "Didn't write me why you came home," said the Honourable Hilary, as his son washed his hands at the spigot. "Didn't I? Well, the truth was I wanted to see you again, Judge." His father grunted, not with absolute displeasure, but suspiciously. "How about Blodgett?" he asked.

Hear you, how I am beginning to match my words by the initial letter, like a Trovatore? That is one of my bad symptoms: I am sorely afraid that the good wine of my understanding is going to run off at the spigot of authorship, and I shall be left an empty cask with an odour of dregs, like many another incomparable genius of my acquaintance.

There was nothing remarkable about the jars; they were large, embedded in the wall, painted with red-lead; each of them bore a sign denoting the class of wine inside, and had a spigot. "What's so wonderful about this, I'd like to know?" asked Manuel. Leandro smiled; they returned as they had come, disturbing the player once more and resuming their seats at the table.

Flinging back the bars, George dashed forth upon the ale-drinking group his little band following at his heels. With a shout they swooped down upon the foe, and in an instant a score of heads were broken, the luckless owners flung in all directions around the cask. One of the prostrate ones held the spigot in his hand, and the remainder of the liquor bubbled itself merrily to the ground.

Then he came inside, and his investigations brought him, presently to the tub in the bathroom. "Fine," he cried, "a cold plunge in the morning before the daily struggle for immortality begins." He turned the spigot. Nothing happened. "I reckon," drawled Mr. Quimby from the bedroom, "you'll carry your cold plunge up from the well back of the inn before you plunge into it. The water's turned off.

Spigot appeared in buckled shorts and black silk stockings; while vases of evergreens and winter flowers mounted sentry on passage tables and landing-places. Everything bespoke the elegant presence of the fair. To the credit of Dame Fortune let us record that everything went smoothly and well. Even the kitchen fire behaved as it ought.

On this being arranged, the flaxdresser instantly drew the wooden spigot which fastened the door on the inside the only fastening known in most of the dwellings in our village and the bridegroom's band rushed in, but not without a combat, for the lads who garrisoned the place, even the old flaxdresser and the ancient village dames, considered it their duty to defend the hearth.